Original topic:

Call audio alerts

(Topic created on: 11-20-2019 10:36 AM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Can someone inform the creator of these 2 files:

Yeah those aren't working. I tried changing that, too. Samsung seems to have forbidden even their own employees from altering the sound, if on, we hear when starting/ending calls.

Bust open the Telecom apk in priv-apps so we can move on with the improved ui sounds. 

Since you guys are so tight with your bootloader with us people in this part of the world i can't do it. 

Your evil phone sanctions are cruel and if you don't mind cutting some slack on this one i promise to be nice for 1 month. If you grant bootloader unlock i will disappear forever.... nah. Just fix the apk, please. The new sounds are neato! I will turn off vibrato!
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
I sincerely like your rants 🤪🙃🤙👍
You couldn't do 1 month though lol 🙉🙈🙊
Galaxy S
WOW!! Talk about rudeness.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Well that rudeness paid off with plenty of it until i received an email stating Samsung had "fixed" the problem. Every A8 in Canada can use Next Radio and that's a huge pay off for people that can't afford to receive current info riding transit 4 hours a day.
I do admit most posts are excessive, but when my phone is EXACTLY the ssme as more than 75 other countries and given less functionality, "rude" is acceptable.
When the carrier/manufacturer play the "wasn't me" game it's on. No explabation means it's by design and has a side benefit making us believe we need Rogers and Bell to middle man our product and then pay for a service that is utterly ridiculous in fees that support a system for profit that has passed its use to society.

I thought this post was funny. Did you listen to the files i linked? They are on all new Samsung phones. I think they're great. Samsung overrides call tones within the app. Pretty sure that was forgotten. I pointed it out.