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Galaxy s10 any tempered glass works.

(Topic created on: 03-25-2019 09:42 AM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Pressing hard on the finger print scanner with any tempered glass screen protector will make the fingerprint working. Only sticks from the side and in order for finger print to work your fingers will have to touch the screen while applying force. To make your fingerprint work you will need to scan your finger with the tempered glass on again while also applying force. This allows your finger to be registered by the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner. Again to restate this, this will only work if you apply force. You do not need a whitestone screenprotector. 
Galaxy S
Tempered Glass that only has adhesive on the edges will almost always ultimately fail & allow dust etc to get trapped between the screen & the screen protector - It's less expensive initially - But eventually 99% of people will get a full screen adhesive protector like Whitestone Dome... - Pressing "hard" is not what you want - Just Sayin'
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
But it still is possible. I was there with this person when he used the fingerprint sensor with the tempered glass on. Also many people really don't want to buy a Whitestone protector because it's way to expensive.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
which is why I got rid of that just letting the people who don't want to spend 50 plus dollar because honestly that price is ridiculous for that price u can get a smartphone like they Samsung galaxy a5 but I got the whitestone done glass anyways just letting people know that they dont have to spend 50 dollars because u just have to put little pressure only its complicated when your adding new fingerprints but if u want to get a good protector for the s10 the flim protector is there for 20 dollars which is somewhat better then white stone but also somewhat worse
Galaxy S
@flanebird786 yeah Whitestone isn't cheap - But I think it's the best one out there & remember the crazy cost of the the phones today!
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Ya i guess you're right from that perspective, but like it's a nice alternative. Plus most people are going to buy the phone on contracts anyway.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
I've bought a similar alternative to the Whitestone one, on eBay I have to be patient since it's coming from China but I've got really good result from these type of screen protector on s8, s9 and s9+ in the past! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.ca%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192846991951