Original topic:

The Sphere - A Brilliant Rip-off (Suggestion)

(Topic created on: 07-30-2019 04:12 PM)

*This suggestion is going to be a blatant rip off of another program by another company's forum BUT read all the way through, it's a great idea I promise! Please like and comment for this idea to hopefully be a reality!*


Hey everyone!


Hope everyone is doing good, Unpacked is only 8 days away and I am so excited to see the Note go Offical + see the lucky members enjoy the event and post their experiences here on the forums! This suggestion is inspired by a company named... OnePlus and before everyone clicks away, hear me out, this suggestion for the community forum can be incredible for us and our Much Superior  devices!


So, What is this suggestion? well, as you may know, OnePlus has an inferior  Community forum page called OnePlus Community and it's basically the same thing as S Members for OnePlus devices. So as a tech nerd, I was scrolling through their page because I already finished looking at the incredible pictures here on Galaxy Gallery and I found this thread they call The Cube. 


Naturally, I was curious as to what it was, and as I continued to read it, I got a bit  jealous. Basically, the Cube is like a weekly or monthly post about the best posts on the community. So what the moderators do is they hand-select special posts to be featured for the month and these intern would give the writers exposure and feedback they deserve. These "featured" posts are then tallied up for the user and if you get 7 of your posts to be featured by the end of the year, you get a OnePlus device. Also, if you got 10 of your posts to get featured, you get to attend a launch event. 


I think if we have a similar program here, we can get higher quality posts and recognize the efforts of our fellow members! That's why I am coining the name "The Sphere" :)


I hope one of the moderators can forward this, I think it will benefit the community a lot!

Kinda cool idea - Hopefully the Mods are up to the task... 🐧
Expert Level 5
Nah. Needs a more thematic name.

"Community Constellation"
"Star Log"

It mustn't be too obvious that it's copied from OP


Sorry about the delayed response on this one... this is a really interesting idea, it's always great to look at what other communities are doing to get a sense of best practices 😊 I'm going to pitch this to the Members team—I know we're really trying to push the benefits of Galaxy cameras, and this would be a fantastic way to do that!


Thanks for sharing as always!





That's great! Thanks, Sabrina! On a different note, the IconX's have not shipped and I was wondering if I could get the tracking number for the shipment. 




I unfortunately haven't received tracking numbers for the shipments yet, but I heard back from another Member who received his already! I'd keep an eye out for a package just in case 😊




thanks again! no worries, I was just curious since it's been 2 weeks