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All AlanMɐxTǝɔh's Badges

AlanMɐxTǝɔh has earned 21 badges!
  • Pioneer
    Earned by 103,208
    Congratulations! You are getting the party started! Thanks for initiating 5 conversations!
  • Explorer
    Earned by 49,860
    You’re one smooth talker.  Thanks for initiating 10 conversations!
  • Sojourner
    Earned by 23,900
    Well done! You’ve opened up 20 conversations!
  • Voyager
    Earned by 92,959
    You’ve got community spirit! Thanks for replying to other members 10 times.
  • Collaborator
    Earned by 49,365
    You’re making conversation happen. Thanks for posting 20 replies.
  • Supervisor
    Earned by 26,626
    Congratulations! You’re creating a buzz in the community with 40 replies.
  • Observer
    Earned by 39,079
    Thanks for giving likes to others 50 times. That was nice of you!
  • Admirer
    Earned by 24,311
    Thanks for thanking others 100 times. You’re building community spirit!
  • Astronomer
    Earned by 15,074
    Thanks for giving likes to others 200 times. We appreciate your appreciation of others. 
  • Motivator
    Earned by 117,970
    You’ve been noticed! Someone thinks your post is great! You received 25 likes!
  • Endeavourer
    Earned by 71,690
    Wow! You’re posting lots of helpful stuff. You received 50 likes!
  • Lightning Rod
    Lightning Rod
    Earned by 41,947
    Double Wow! People really like your posts. You received 100 likes!
  • Solution Generator
    Solution Generator
    Earned by 25,886
    You’ve earned this for providing a great answer. Can you do it again?
  • Launcher
    Earned by 2,238
    You really know what you’re talking about! You’ve answered 15 questions!
  • Rocket Booster
    Rocket Booster
    Earned by 1,427
    Amazing! You’ve answered 30 questions! You rock!
  • Facebook Follower
    Facebook Follower
    Earned by 184
    Whoever is connected with us deserves a special badge. Congratulations on the achievement!
  • Instagram Follower
    Instagram Follower
    Earned by 200
    Someone here is on our Instagram, and that's why they got this badge. Well done, Member, you deserve it!
  • Samsung Follower
    Samsung Follower
    Earned by 152
    You follow all Samsung Brazil social networks and are 100% connected with us. The reward for your dedication is the most special emblem of all.
  • TikTok Follower
    TikTok Follower
    Earned by 174
    You didn't even have to do a little dance to get this badge, huh? Congratulations on the achievement!
  • Twitter Follower
    Twitter Follower
    Earned by 183
    In addition to staying on top of all Samsung news in real time, you've also secured another special badge.
  • Youtube Follower
    Youtube Follower
    Earned by 203
    Are you following our YouTube? So take this badge that only our viewers have!