Original topic:

πŸ“Œ Community Guidelines discussion megathread πŸ“Œ

(Topic created on: 07-09-2019 11:16 AM)
Community Guidelines

If you have any comments or suggestions about the Community Guidelines, feel free to post them in this thread!


Related comments and threads will be moved into this megathread in order to keep our forum nice and tidy 😊

Community Guidelines

Hey @CHMultimedia,


This is great, I think dedicated Members should get their moment in the spotlight for sure! I think it would inspire a lot of community spirit to see fellow Members get recognized for their contributions here 😊




Expert Level 5
Community Guidelines
Also, maybe that's just me, but knowing a little bit about those helping you would inspire trust and make them more relatable, which could lead to better Member interaction (better and more interactions). That may just be my impression.
Active Level 1
Community Guidelines
more helpful than Google Samsung pass is a opportunity to retrieve personal data forgotten in older brain straining to recall pass words lost but not on the tip of my tongue thank-you
Community Guidelines

It'd definitely be nice to introduce a human aspect to Member interactions (sometimes hard to do when you're behind a phone or computer screen)! These are all great strategies for community building 😊




Community Guidelines
Oh oh - I thought that only Google was tracking me - Yikes I better behave lol - But thanks Sabrina - I'm trying not to be too much of a pain - But sometimes it's a little exasperating - when some of "trolls" seem to get "the run of the place" πŸ˜‡
Expert Level 3
Community Guidelines
Its hard to track you with a tinfoil hat πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚
Expert Level 1
Community Guidelines
Please add the ability to reply to replies! It's so annoying that that isn't a feature.
Also, add night mode support.
Community Guidelines
I think it is amazing that certain companies reach out to the less fortunate. it is however a shame when they go bankrupt do to negligence or false information. a ceo on top of the world, has the responsibility to give back any charitable donations. though no such entity is entitled to it. people are imperfect. im confident however that everyone wants to create a more positive environment. with help, with financial support. a company can truly make a positive difference in our society
Expert Level 5
Community Guidelines

Pourriez-vous AUSSI parler en français SVP et/ou rendre le forum BILINGUE, vous pourriez faire comme les autres communautés Samsung à travers la planète en offrant les 2 langues officielles du pays et ici c'est le Français et l'Anglais.
Ce serait une marque de savoir-vivre et de respect envers TOUS les membres de la CommunautΓ© !!!
Et tant qu'Γ  faire, engagez donc des modΓ©rateurs FRANCOPHONES...(CHMultimedia,Shaggyskunk1 le mΓ©chant ou d'autres qui le mΓ©ritent...

This is a way to introduce HUMAN aspect to Member interactions (whistle)
Community Guidelines

Hey @Cassidy,


Apologies for the English response, but I'm unfortunately not fluent enough to reply in French... Having said that, we've been monitoring the forum for Francophone participation, and we're looking into the possibility of onboarding a bilingual moderator.


Please know that it isn't our intention to exclude the Francophone community, and we're taking measures to minimize those sentiments. I appreciate your feedback, and will definitely let you know if there are changes coming! 


