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Hidden Shapes #withGalaxy

(Topic created on: 10-28-2019 08:56 PM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy Gallery

Love is in the Air - Canada DayLove is in the Air - Canada DayMy girlfriend and I set high expectation on this day. We were under the CN Tower for the first series of fireworks, which, was supposed to be our last that night. Perhaps sitting quite literally under the CN Tower was not such a great idea to enjoy the fireworks coming off from the tower. As I was aware about another fireworks that was soon to go off in Harbour Front area, I carefully brought it up. Next thing you know, we are running.


We charged towards the crowd who were seemingly waiting for some spectacle. So we both knew that we made it on time. I was lucky to capture this specific scene, with the fireworks coming off like a big heart.  



#CanadaMembers, #GalxyS7Edge, #SamsungContest, #SMG935W8, #Toronto, #withGalaxy