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What to do at Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

(Topic created on: 07-17-2022 11:42 PM)
Galaxy Gallery

Dear Samsung Members,

Did you know that the Cameron Highlands is the largest tea producing region in all of South East Asia?

Largest of which is the Boh Tea Plantation, which, at 8,000 acres, is the largest in Southeast Asia. Boh processes its harvest in its own factory located in Sungai Palas, which also happened to be one of the most beautiful towns in the Cameron Highlands!

Take a trip with us through these  photos (and tips!) by @samsunglou, taken with the Galaxy S22.

1. Enjoy beautiful mountain views


This first picture was taken from Cameron Highlands Butterfly Park, where there is a small zoo as well as a plant nursery! If you're traveling with kids, this is a great place to visit.



Now, this second picture was taken from the Boh Tea Centre’s café which serves tea and pastries. A great place to stop and refresh yourself after a long day of sightseeing!

2. Visit a small local zoo



You can visit a small local zoo and spend some time with the local animals. Look at how cute that goat is!


And the zoo doesn't just have mammals - they have reptiles, too. Say hi to these cute iguanas!

3. Discover a forest in the clouds – Mossy Forest


 The Mossy Forest is one of the world’s few cloud forests. Clouds blanket the forest, providing a moist and cool environment that’s perfect for moss, ferns, and exotic plants such as pitcher plants and orchids. The Mossy Forest is thought to be 200 million years old!



We were so moved by the beauty of the Mossy Forest that we were inspired to make a “deep fried” meme directly from my Samsung Galaxy phone’s Gallery App (see below :P).



By turning up all options to 100 in tone and adding your own captions and stickers in decorations, you too can make memes right from your phone!

4. Get great Instagram worthy picture opportunities at Mossy Forest’s entrance

20220605_102234 (0).jpg


To make your pictures even more perfect, you can remove unwanted objects in your photos easily using the Object Eraser feature of your Samsung Galaxy phones. Step by step guide here: [How-To] Edit your photos like a pro with Object eraser | Samsung Australia 


I used Object Eraser on both pictures. Can you spot the difference? Which one do you think looks better?

Personal tip:

  • Only tour companies are allowed to drive up to the Mossy Forest! If you’re looking to fully immerse yourself, call ahead to ask if the longer hiking path past the boardwalk is open. As someone who loves nature, this place is one you can’t afford to miss. Go with an experienced guide, good hiking shoes, and some insulated clothes!
  • Fully utilize your Samsung Galaxy phone’s ultra wide camera to take photos of the beautiful scenery
  • To travel lighter, load up your credit cards to Samsung Pay so you won’t have to worry about carrying a heavy wallet around. 

What amazing views have you captured with your Galaxy smartphone? Show us in the comments section!

Galaxy Gallery
wow malaysia truly asia..
Galaxy Gallery
Probably one for your bucket list.
Active Level 2
Galaxy Gallery