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PLEASE CHANGE! Group conversations will be sent as multimedia messages (sms/text

(Topic created on: 01-06-2025 05:49 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
I've seen several complaints dating back to who knows when.

When group texting a really annoying message appears and covers the most recent text area making it extremely difficult to read or send an immediate text. The notification then proceeds to slowly fade out after a few seconds. This happens every time you open a group chat (sms/text) session.

It reads as follows:
"Group conversations will be sent as multimedia messages"

Many people complain how you can't disable and/or remove this feature entirely. Im sure many more would agree its a nuisance and unnecessary. People (myself included) even opt for a different group messenger system entirely due to this issue alone e.g. whatsapp.

Please kindly remove this notification or at least offer a way to disable it or position it to the top of the screen so you can read/write texts and not have to wait each and every time, esp if its an important text. if it's necessary as some legal disclaimer would there be a way to make it more obvious you're in a group chat without having to warn a user during each session? Some examples would be better group chat icons or design elements indicating youre in a group chat. Many third party apps do this very well.

Otherwise many thanks for the nice phone.

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy Note

That multimedia message is EXTREMELY annoying!!

If you have to have it appear, only have it viewed for 5 seconds not minutes!!

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy Note

I am extremely frustrated regarding this issue regarding group conversations converting to multimedia on Samsung phones that I have come to the conclusion that the best way to save my sanity about this is to change to a different phone other than Samsung.


Beginner Level 4
Galaxy Note

Well, I was hoping to come here and find a solution to this issue.  I guess one is not available so I've changed from what I think is the default samsung messages (logo is blue box with rounded corners and inside is a round bubble chat symbol with 3 dots in it.) to the verizon message+ app and guess what no annoying popup in group text so far this morning. Guess that's what I'll be using until samsung get's a clue.  

Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
YES YOU'RE RIGHT. I must've forgotten when a long while back i switched the default sms messaging app to "Messages by Google" which has worked perfectly fine since. I mustve forgotten since the icons look similar. Thx for sharing 👍
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note

Absolute insanity! Ridiculous. I would have thought that a company as HUGE as SAMSUNG would do much better than this. THANKS for the tip, and I too will be dropping SAMSUNG ANYTHINg whenever possible.

SAMSUNG PASS is on the exact same level. It only gives me the option of my OLD NUMBER, that I haven't had in FOREVER, to send a verification to be abke to log in! There is NO other option or way around it. It is 100% absurd that we are forced to operate, or should i say NOT OPPERATE, this way!!!  I have enough problems in life without having to deal with stuff like this. Sorry, but it's unnecessary as it can be, and it makes me mad. 

I'm sorry you guys had to deal with it too!

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy Note

Samsung..... PLEASE get rid of this!!!!!  SO FLIPPING ANNOYING.  I have a brand new s23 from work and yes, it IS still a problem.

Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
My deepest condolences go out to you and to anyone else effected in your group chat with whats turning out to be one of the worst technical pandemics of our generation. The authorities are at a loss, as all containment efforts have fallen grossly short of a remedy. Having exhausted their arsenal of copy and pasted scripted responses, what started out as mitigating a spark has bursted into a hot flaming dumpster fire taking the first world by storm. Take to the streets! Call your neighbours, our voice will be heard...

My apologize, i dont know what came over me. I have since found a solution to the problem without even recognizing it (and no thanks to samsung support.)

The remedy: switch over to a third party sms chatting app and set it as default on your phone. I would recommend "messages by google" which i have had working on my phone for some time. Ill post details below ona seperate post.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note

Thanks so much! You shouldn't apologize either. This is enough to drive any sane person- mad. Samsung get a freaking grip with this literal IN YOUR FACE mistake that you have made. I truly feel like suing for pain and suffering.

Thanks again buddy.

Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
Lol thx, yep this is clearly an oversight, no mentally stable individual would want this showing up other than the committee that let this pass 😂
Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
*** SOLUTION ***
As another poster pointed out, you can simply switch your phone's default sms settings under: SETTINGS > DEFAULT APPS > SMS APPS (on my samsung zflip - it might be different for yours.)

I switched mine to: "Messages by Google" which offers a similar but in many ways a vastly superior experience. And yes, it doesnt show that retarded msg anymore. The icon also looks similar with a blue message bubble icon.

If you dont have "Messages by google" setup as an option, you simply need to download it on Google Play.

I've been using it for a while now on my phone (forgot i did this) and it's great. Thank you Google, bye bye Samsung sms.

- The resistance