Original topic:

1tb argument

(Topic created on: 01-23-2025 09:58 AM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
I just ended a ywo day argument with my service provider to get the 1tb model flagship s25ultra, they keep saying Samsung want's to much money for it at almost 3 grand, this is pathetic, I can't afford it through Samsung as My CC limit is insufficient to purchase it, so i asked my service provider to make a deal & purchase a limited quantity, the response from the head office is, no way ! To expensive & we will not be stuck with them & loose money, this is redicilus, something has tobe done, i suggest that the amount of lower memory capacity be limited production & push more for the ultimate flag ship units at lower cost in return for more sales of the units. This was what i was told by a freind in marketing for Rogers. Samsung we need your your opinion on this matter,
Because it's a constant fight with service providers.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

I kinda understand where Carriers are coming from, but I also know that some regions have a "double your storage" for pre-orders. 

ie: Pay for 512 and get 1 Tb... it would be great if that was here! 

Galaxy S
Totally, if we look at the offers from Samsung there wonderful but when you're CC dosent let you afford it properly your stuck going to the service provider who dosent want to, i have spoken with many people who have the same service provider as me & others like Rogers, Bell, Vidéotron, they all say the same thing, it would be great if they offered it but they refuse, my friend who works at Rogers got two S24 ultra units at 512gb he said his kids already loaded them full & he had to purchase SSD's from Samsung, at the total cost it came out to more than the value of the 1tb phone's, he bought the 512's on employee rebate of almost 25% off, since he works in marketing & is almost the head of the department, even he didn't get the 1tb since he didn't have enough to purchase 2 of them, he kept his s23 ultra no contract paid cash for it referb instead of upgrading to save some money, but he made his decision, but even he agrees that Samsung could do more, just look at the company's yearly profit, we can't say the C.E.O is living in a run down apartment & driving a Prius, 😂, compared to what the staff are paid. So how can Samsung fix the situation, that's why i ask fro there input on it, i appreciate your comment & i agree with what you say, but when you want something & you can't afford it at the current rate because it's over priced you have to downgrade to what you can afford, but yet i am certain Samsung could lower the price & sell more of them, some companies had done that in the past for certain items, then the c.e.o retired & left it to a new c.e.o who decided that they would up the price & sell less at bigger price for more profit, he almost lost his company with his price hike, they had to lower the price by 5% to make the item moderately affordable,
The market is crazy when it comes to high prices, everyone wants a huge price for a few items to get rich quick rather than sell more at lower prices & still make a profit just takes more time.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

As for Samsung's CEO, Jay Y. Lee he spent some time in prison for bribery, and as of November 2024, prosecutors were trying to put him back in prison.. so... 😂 

Galaxy S
Yea stolen Ferrari
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Get you credit card limit increased. Or just use PayPal.
Galaxy S
I don't use P.p as for my cc limit i can't up right away, income has dropped below average, i lost my yearly contracts at the local summer festivals because my city council decided to replace me with a paid bunch of lazy People, 🤬, my job was sanitation for what i charged the city compared to what it cost them in 2024 it's a increase of 10% over what i changed them & they hike the taxes to cover the cost of these lazy people who just sit there & wait for people to bring the trash to them, i walked the fair grounds & stayed the night after the festivals to clean up & i made profit with aluminum cans It added $200.00 to my income, now they cut me out & pay these kids to sit on there *** & get $15.00/hour for 5 days in the summer, so now i have to go around the recycling bins for cans to supplement the income & i had to let go my employees. I even sold my truck.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I have the 1tb S23u and still have not used 256gb. If I cleaned up old videos and junk downloads I coukd likely slim it down 50gb at least.
Unless you have specific need for 1tb it's probably better to get a fast usb c thumb drive to transfer files to.
Galaxy S
I need the 1tb for multiple reasons, including large files to process, i tried a thub drive, the device refuses to take charge of it with out a secondary app. That ***, it should be able to take charge of the thumb drive with out a extra app, since they took away our micro s.d slot in favor of there expensive SSD's it's a hassle for me, not for everyone but for those of us that need more memory, it's not what i consider to be a good move from Samsung. I still have a old Samsung from early 2000 no longer able to connect to a network & to old for wifi. It's more of a relic from the past. SGH-a997.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I got a new Samsung T7 shield 2tb and it moves files wicked fast on the S23