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Burnt s-pen

(Topic created on: 05-25-2023 02:57 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Anyone with similar case? Burnt s-pen from inside of s23ultra?
Phone is less than a month old. Service center won't replace the unit and insisting only to replace the s-pen because 7 days replacement has passed.
But what are the chances that the root cause isn't in the phone. How would the s-pen burn itself with littke battery/power that it has.

I have been reading cases of burnt smell but found only one thread for an s-pen that been burnt from the inside of phone.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
This is what the s-pen looks like20230521_210445_1000000868_1684674286.jpg20230521_210639_1000000871_1684674400.jpg
Galaxy S

Hello AM1985,

We are sorry to hear about your experience with your new Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra having issues with the burnt S-Pen. If it happens on my device and its accessories, I'll be worrying too. And it was a good thing that you've reached out to the service center in order to had it assessed.

In order to document your case, may I suggest you to call us on the below direct hotline numbers.

#GALAXY or #425299 [Mobile Phones & Tablets]
Available 24/7
1-800-10-7267864 [All Product, Toll Free, PLDT]
1-800-8-7267864 [All Product, Toll Free, Globe]
842 221 11 [All Product, Landline]
Daily (8:00am to 8:00pm)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Thanks. I'll definitely call. I'm very dissapointed with the service and how they handled the issue. They have not investigated the cause. They insisted that the battery of the pen is causing the burn. They can't give an assurance that the replaced pen will not burn. And if it will be burnt, I need to go back to them to have it checked again.
When I told them that I consulted lawyers regarding the 7 days replacement policy and warranty. And that the lawyers advised that its still in warranty and should be replaced. That was when they started calling their heads to consult.
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

Hello, I recently bought the Samsung S24 Ultra but encountered an issue when I discovered that the S Pen was burned after checking my phone in the morning.

I've already visited the Samsung customer center, but they refused to provide any service. Now, I'm unsure who should take responsibility for this problem. I'm feeling frustrated, as no one seems willing to assist me. Please, I need urgent help on how to replace either the phone or the pen. @teamgalaxyrene

Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I see your S-pen burnt portion is at the bottom half of it, position based when inserted to charge on the S23U. The charging coil is at the top, meaning near the pen point. Therefore the heating that's melting your S-pen plastic housing must be at bottom half of the phone. What's in there besides the pen? Bottom speaker (harmless) and battery (most probably the cause). Does your phone hot to touch at the bottom half?
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Yes, its hot to touch near the bottom and on the side of the pen.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Phone is turned off since I brought my s23ultra in Samsung Service Center SM Megamall last May 21. They will replace the s-pen stating that the phone unit has no defect. I pulled out my phone from them since I cannot accept that only the s-pen will be replaced and that there must be something wrong in the unit to burn the s-pen like in the photo that I shared.
Phone unit is still covered with warranty but 7 days replacement has already passed though.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Better get a replacement. The phone is defective. Nothing is wrong with the Spen. You're right in that. I hope you can work your way through a S23U set replacement.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
2 defective parts, either the battery cooling strip is not working, or the battery. The latter is dangerous. Remember Note 7 exploding phone case? I advise you to turn off your S23U, stop using it and get that checked at Samsung Service Center. Your phone is dangerous to use now. Repair will cost a lot. I hope you're covered with Care+, in-house insurance.