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new iphone vs S23 ultra

(Topic created on: 09-25-2023 01:01 PM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Any thoughts with the new iphone vs S23 ultra?
I'm planning to get the Ultra but a friend who's a fan of Iphone said that even though the ultra has 200mp, the new iphone is better cam specially the night view. For background, I used both Iphones and Samsung phones before, the last one the 6splus and for Samsung, the s10plus. I do love apple Ipad never tried the newer tab verions tho. I do love Samsung phones specially the cam and the customization and things like that. I do think that sinxe I already have a S10plus, maybe I should get the Iphone. I haven't checked the specs on the new Iphone though. 
Thanks a lot! I appreciate ya'll guys spending time to read and reply. Have a great day! 😊
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Oo nga eh. Balak ko iwait s24 pero pramg gsto ko n bumili this week ewan kohahahah d makapagantay 🤣
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
If iPhones had better photo than Galaxy S Ultra and Note. I would've had all versions since 2012. Alas, I had Note 4 up to Note 20 Ultra then S21 Ultra through S23 Ultra. iPhones still aren't really a match for photography no matter what all the online hype says. Caveat, I had an iPhone 6s because that was *** (almost as *** as the Galaxy S 6 Edge) and needed IOS to support users. I also have an iPhone 14 Pro now but it's not for photography.
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
I see! I do really love how u customize and how huge Samsung is compared to apple so the only time I got an Iphone was when they released the 6plus. Although my parents did change to the previous flip so I havr no idea with the recent releases of Iphone. Glad to hear this perpective too! Now I'm decided to get the Ultra just having a new problem wether to wait for the 24 😅Thanks!
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
You'll only have 3 months to wait.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S

yeah and, also, the launch event is also going to be worth it hehe

Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Yes, just reach out to the current stars members for details
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Ohhh. I'm actually new to this app. I registered a while ago but never really used it. So what does the star on the members name really means? Thanks a lot! Been learning because of u guys
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I used to be part of the stars. I'm not sure why there are 2 now. But it should be the purple one. My term ended mid this month. But I've been a Samsung user since early 2000s after the Nokia camera phones. I tried others but Samsung had the best all around camera and usability until now.
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Oh that's cool! So the stars meant like you've been a user for a long time and thus get you early updates? Cool! You have a purple star on your name
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Aah, no, updates roll out are purely Samsung. The starts are more of a community support for Samsung Members. Also, we're not in any way representing Samsung. Just tje community who love the same brand.