Original topic:

S10 Phone app popping up on its own

(Topic created on: 01-27-2020 10:08 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Using Galaxy S10. Today my phone app started opening on it's own. It intrudes while I'm using other apps like youtube, chrome, and even while I was typing up this post.

I have restarted the device, and cleared the app data and cache, but it's still happening quite often. About 10 times in the last hour. 

Anybody else have this issue? My software is up to date.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
thanks for the help everybody.
it seems this is only happening when I have a headphone adapter plugged into my charging port...
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

I know this thread is 3 years old, but my Galaxy S10 started having the Phone App Settings page pop up while using the Maps app a few weeks ago.  I thought it was related to Google or Google maps.  It would pop up whenever the maps app did a route change calculation.  Then it started popping up randomly when I typed anywhere in a browser.  Finally, it was popping up with almost every key stroke or tap.  I couldn't find anything on the internet about it, so I backed up everything (painful to do as the phone app kept popping up) and did a factory reset.  That required re-entering credentials on every commonly used app when I next signed in for the first time.  I use the Microsoft Launcher, so restoring it put the phone home pages back into my normal configuration and the phone automatically loaded all the apps over about 12 hours.  I thought that had fixed it.  But, the phone app settings popup returned today - ughh!!  All I know to do is  to another factory reset.