Original topic:

s20 ultra breaking car internal usb

(Topic created on: 10-05-2020 04:21 PM)
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S
I recently purchased a new car which comes with built in usb c ports for charging and Android auto. Whenever I plug in my s20 ultra it breaks the usb ports and nothing works neither charging android auto. I was told by two service techs that Samsung super fast charging pulls to much power and breaks the usb ports.
Is there a way to disable the super fast charging when it connects to the car automatically or do I have to remember to turn it off whenever I get in my car?
Galaxy S

Hi ShadowGT,

When you plug in a Samsung Fast Charger, your phone will automatically turn on the Fast cable charging feature. This feature should be on by default, but you can also turn it on manually.
Superfast charging is only available on select phones, and you need to use the charger that came with the phone or a 25W or 45W Samsung approved adapter. However, regular Fast charging can be used with a standard Fast Charger.
1. To use a charging feature, first navigate to and open Settings, and then tap Device care.
2. Tap Battery and then tap Charging.
3. Tap the switch next to Fast charging, Superfast charging, or Fast wireless charging.
4. To start Fast charging or Superfast charging, connect the USB cable to the phone, and then plug the USB power adapter into a power outlet.

Galaxy S
You have to remember to change super fast charge or fast charge. But if you are not really need super fast charge, turn it off and use fast charge. Only if you are run out of battery and you are going out within an hour, then use Super fast charge. This way will not break your usb port in your car.