Original topic:

S22 green line verticle lines

(Topic created on: 01-03-2025 07:15 PM)
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S
Since last month my phone start to have green lines. I've never dropped my phone and not even single scratch on my screen but suddenly green line showed up.

 Im very disappointed with samsung express servis center kota bharu when they declined my replacement and quote for RM770 for screen replacement which literally is known issue. Other brands is giving foc screen replacement due to this green lines.

I've been using samsung from s2, note3, s7,s10 and s22. I really love s series performance which is top notch. But since im facing s22 screen issue and if this how us being treated after all this time im so sad. Yeah im typing on green line phone.

Active Level 1
Galaxy S

Samsung scammer malaysia wont give a ***. Just do some savings n replaced if important، if not just boycott samsung malaysia n buy vivo, their camera better than samsung

Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

yea yea yea, everybody said the same, "i never drop my phone, never let my phone getting wet, treat my phone like a newborn baby and bla bla"


guess what? green line can't be avoided unless you trade in your S22 before green line appear, that's the only solution i can give you, but green line already appeared so you have replace the screen

Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Seems like there has been a huge surge of this issue, suddenly popping up just in time for the S25 series launch 🙂
Active Level 2
Galaxy S

Many of us also taking a good care of our phone. This probably a defect OLED screen and green line issue appear nearly all premium S series - S9,S10,S20,S21,S22,S23 and S24. The timeline seem to be shorten as new phone in production. The latest green issue line appear is using less than 2yrs on latest S24Ultra. 

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Yea... same here S22+. Taking good care of phone but still green line suddenly appeared.
Then because of the green line the trade in price to Samsung became so no worth ☹️
Galaxy S

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Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
I bought this expensive s22plus just under three years ago and today all of a sudden l have two green lighted vertical lines on my phone. Don't know what to do to get rid of it. Anyone can help. Thanks