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S22 Ultra Not Superfast charging- update

(Topic created on: 07-31-2023 11:40 AM)
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Hi, in the past I have reported that my device lost the ability to Superfast charge.

Now with no changes to my device and only updates, I have noticed that there may be a glimmer of hope.

Here is the scenario where I get some SuperFast 2.0 charging speeds.

If I put my device on my wireless charger for about mins, and then connect my device via a proper cable and charger ( I have many of these and the behavior is the same ) I get charging rates of over 5000mA for about 15 to 20 seconds and then it starts to drop down to no charging. I have download a couple of apps that tells me my charging rate.

I can consistently get this sequence to work.

In some cases if I let my device go down to about 30% battery, I can get the same temporary SuperFast 2.0 charging rate.

Yes, I get the Turquoise ring color when it is super charging.

What if any apps or system services directly affect charging ?

I have also started the device in safe mode with the same behaviour. Could not notbuse the battey app to check the charging rate.

I may consider backing up the device and starting from scratch.

Any new thoughts or direction is appriciated.

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

If that's the case, it's sounding like it could be a hardware issue with the USB Port itself 

The other methods that you have tried, may have just resulted in some coincidental moments of Super Fast Charging. 

Open the Samsung Members app again, Click on Support, but this time, scroll down to error reports & click on it.

Plug your phone into the charger & unplug it after a minute or so. 

Send the error report to Samsung's tech and see if they get back to you. 

Other thing that you could do is visit a Samsung Service Centre to get it checked out by a tech. 

That's what I would do if it were my device. 🤞🏻

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Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Did you check the USB Charging port with Samsung Members app > Click on Support > Phone Diagnostics and run the Diagnostics for USB Charging?

It's unlikely that any 3rd party apps would prevent Super Fast Charging, unless it was specifically designed to do so, ie: some kind of perceived "Battery Protection" app.

Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Hi, yes, I can get it to show the Superfast status.. but within the 20 seconds the charging stops and the tool says that no cable is connected
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

If that's the case, it's sounding like it could be a hardware issue with the USB Port itself 

The other methods that you have tried, may have just resulted in some coincidental moments of Super Fast Charging. 

Open the Samsung Members app again, Click on Support, but this time, scroll down to error reports & click on it.

Plug your phone into the charger & unplug it after a minute or so. 

Send the error report to Samsung's tech and see if they get back to you. 

Other thing that you could do is visit a Samsung Service Centre to get it checked out by a tech. 

That's what I would do if it were my device. 🤞🏻

Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Ok will do, also I've sourced a usb port/adapter... looks like something that I can swap out. Is this something that you would attempt ?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Probably wouldn't try to do that on my own. 

I haven't looked recently, but from what I remember the user "repairability" for Samsung's devices isn't that easy. 

I think that you'd likely need to remove the touchscreen, and the possible issues with adhesives, not to mention the ip68 rating would likely be compromised. 

I'd rather pay someone who has done it before myself 🙂

Active Level 7
Galaxy S
@RDR got a piece of info, a d hopefully you can shed some light on this. My troubles started months ago when my phone detected moisture... there was no chance on the moisture being present. I got that warning when I plugged in my power cable to a SPLITTER ADAPTER FOR MY WIRED EAR BUDS. The adapter worked fine with the ear buds, then I connected my power to the usb-c leg of the splitter. Today I did the same friggen thing and the phone is warning me about the moisture. Rebooted and still now with warnings when charging... Will clear the cache and see if I get rid of the warning .
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Don't think that Clearing Cache will dismiss the moisture warning. 

It's possible that your device is misinterpreting the presence of a splitter as moisture.. That's my guess anyway 🤔

Active Level 7
Galaxy S
I was able to clear the warning message, don't think I will use that adapter again. If I were to backup, reset and test the charging before re-adding apps (not a full restore) .. do u think that it may clear up my charging headaches ? Is there anything else thatni can do to RESET the environment ? Thanks again for your thoughts.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

I Factory Reset after EVERY Android Version Update, and occasionally just for something to do in the winter lol. 

A Factory Reset can in fact, clear up a lot of even small issues. I've never regretted doing a Factory Reset. 

When I was testing custom firmware (Roms) We would HAVE to Factory Reset, before testing a new Rom, and sometimes that was 5/6 times in a day. 

Smart Switch is surprisingly easy to use & quite good at what it does. 

I have several apps that require adb to be fully functional, and even with that, it doesn't take me very long to get my phone back to how I want it.

There's certainly no harm in trying, just remember to turn off 2-Step verification before you Factory Reset, and backup with Smart Switch, just before you proceed. 

It's also a good idea to verify your passwords. 👍🏻