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Tips to never run out of storage on latest Galaxy devices + Get 100GB OneDrive

(Topic created on: 10-31-2017 09:50 PM)
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Hello dear members. It's quite long to read but worth it.
One of the very most important thing about smartphone is their storage space. No matter how high end or great device you have, you'll have a sour experience with it when it's storage is full, it's nagging you to clear up some of your beloved apps/pictures/videos and there's no way to increase the storage unless you buy a newer device with a bit of increased storage. Some companies (read most) love to profit from your misfortune, so they force you to upgrade & charge you outrageous prices to give you a bit more storage(which is also limited). I know the frustration, as I own several of those companies devices.(iPad Mini 4, Xiaomi Mi6s)
But fortunately Samsung cares about us, that's why all their recent flagships let you increase the storage as you desire. They could've just say it's old fashion and take it away, and force you to pay crazy prices to increase storage, but they didn't.
Here I'll tell you the storage setup that I use on my Galaxy S8 PLUS smartphone, which you can use to have a total storage of over 357 GB! (yep, 357GB!) 😃
My current setup : 128 GB SanDisk uhs-iii microSDXC + 50 GB Cloud Storage from MEGA + 15 GB from Google Drive + 100 GB from OneDrive.

All those cloud storage are for free, even the OneDrive too! If you own a latest Galaxy flagship, you're eligible for this promo. I have attached an screenshot too if you're not sure about OneDrive.
If you want to get more crazy, you can use 256 GB microSD instead of 128GB to amp up even more, and use Google Photos for photo storage!
Thanks for reading, hope it helped.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
The Google Pixel XL 2 have a lot of Space to store everything on the phone not on a SD Card.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
You're stuck at 128GB max hardware storage on Pixel XL 2, whereas on Samsung you'll get 64GB+128GB= 192 GB minimum! Add 256 instead of 128GB, you'll get 320GB hardware storage!! Only on Samsung 😁
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
64 ou 128 Go + 4 Go (RAM) for the Google Pixel XL 2 whit no SD Card it's plenty enough for me and whit the Google Pixel XL 2 i have already when i will buy it i will have the Oreo 8.1 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Not only you'll have an early useless Oreo 8.1 update with less features than any other device, you'll have an ugly outdated 90's design and less of everything than all Samsung users have 😂😄 Btw, please don't bother to comment here if you're satisfied with less stuff. This post is for advanced people who wants more of their device, not for trolls without any logic.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
[comment deleted by admin due to spam]
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Lol this dude (@Alain43) lost his mind, i dont know why you're obsessing over 8.1 all over the forum, you really don't sound like you know what's going on. Obviously a GOOGLE phone like the Pixel has 8.1 it's Google's OS and nothing else.

It's clear you don't know how the Android ecosystem works so let me give you a quick lesson. Android is the base operating system of all Android devices which is made by Google (The company that makes the Pixel) so Pixel runs what is known as Stock Android. Now Samsung and other companies build their Operating System(OS) on top of Stock Android. So Samsung has Samsung Experience which is it's OS that is built on top of the latest version of Android. Now, when Google is finished creating Android Oreo it can ship it out the the Pixel phone right away because that's all the Pixel runs. When it's shipped to Samsung however, Samsung has to integrate the two Operating Systems to make one which is what we all get. Samsung Experience has a plethora of features that Oreo is JUST now getting, so Samsung has to make sure that none of these features overlap with their own feature set so they have to work around it or work it into their system, this is what there is a delay. Next time do some research before you lose your mind on every post.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Oh my! @Alain43, I think you forgot this is a friendly community and nobody should have to tolerate your rude lash out. You are using the forum inappropriately. Please stop.

Thank you @RichMan. This is a great tip for maximizing storage space.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
the pixel 2 is a horrible phone. you can keep it buddy. line said earlier if your satisfied with less all the power to ya
Galaxy S
my 100GB One Drive expired.