Tópico original:

The Death of the Lotus.

(Tópico criado em: 08-10-2021 10:06 PM)
128 Exibições
Active Level 5
Galeria Galaxy

Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi.

"They chanted that they were here to destroy evil, yet in the end they needed the 'evil' to save their own lives."

Decidi usar mais essa "rede social" e compartilhar meu livro/anime preferido. ;)
1 Comentário
Expert Level 5
Galeria Galaxy
Salve VS🤝🖖posso te convidar a dar um up na nossa member janalucena? Tem animes fantásticos 😉Screenshot_20220810-003918_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20220810-003942_Samsung Members.jpg
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