Original topic:

Hot Topic by Cassidy- July 24th 2020 EN/FR

(Topic created on: 07-24-2020 08:39 PM)
Expert Level 5

For a lot of reasons, i decide to make my own Hot Topic Post


First rank : i want to felicitate @CHMultimedia for his weekly Update schedule and for all the Solutions he provided each weeks without any recognition. He is continuing to provide us many Solutions  even if his Note 9 just died 2 weeks ago. BRAVO

CHMultimedia First Solution AuthorCHMultimedia First Solution Author



The followings persons are probably the best sellers for Samsung .

In the Galaxy Gallery

I want to specially thanks @Kiwimart4 for his Daily Picture that are awesome (he make my day every day), you can follow him if you like photography, he is the more profilic photograph here and I beleive his contributions help Samsung to sell more devices. You can follow him by clicking on his nickname and by clicking FOLLOW, like that you won't miss any of his wonderful pictures 👀

If you want to see a PRO with his S10   check the following pictures :







If you're always hungry, it's her fault, @IFlySolo is always showing us tasty meal with his incredible Galaxy Z Flip. She should have a take out restaurant , i'd be his first regular customer 😎 

Iflysolo pizza.jpg


I have a special mention to @ZMAHD for his help about photography settings (he wrote many articles about photography here) 



I  want also say Thanks to our Moderators @Kinsley and @keagan who have integrated the Samsung's Forum with discretion and a lot of collaboration. 


And i want to congratulate MYSELF for my article because Samsung's boss  did'nt ...it took us near of 1 month to wrote this for Samsung's users...so i think i merit it  FR/EN



I really hope than @Shaggyskunk1BLM's health is OK...If you want to tell him how you missed him , please go add a LIKE on the following Post , i hope he can read it !



Have a nice week-end everybody


Pour de nombreuses raisons, je décide de créer mon propre article sur Hot Topic

Premier rang: je tiens à féliciter @CHMultimedia pour son calendrier de mise à jour hebdomadaire et pour toutes les solutions qu'il a fournies chaque semaine sans aucune reconnaissance. Il continue de nous fournir de nombreuses Solutions même si sa Note 9 vient de mourir il y a 2 semaines. BRAVO
CHMultimedia First Solution Auteur

Les personnes suivantes sont probablement les meilleurs vendeurs pour les produits  Samsung.
Dans la galerie Galaxy :
Je tiens à remercier spécialement @ Kiwimart4 pour sa photo quotidienne qui est géniale (il fait ma journée tous les jours), vous pouvez le suivre si vous aimez la photographie, il est le photographe le plus profilique ici et je crois que ses contributions aident Samsung à vendre plus d'appareils . Vous pouvez le suivre en cliquant sur son pseudo et en cliquant sur SUIVRE, comme ça vous ne manquerez aucune de ses merveilleuses photos 👀
Si vous voulez voir un PRO faire de belles photos avec son S10, regardez les images suivantes:

Si vous avez toujours faim, c'est sa faute, @IFlySolo nous montre toujours des plats savoureux avec son incroyable Galaxy Z Flip. Elle devrait avoir un restaurant de plats à emporter, je serais son premier client régulier 😎

J'ai une mention spéciale à @ZMAHD pour son aide sur les paramètres de photographie (il a écrit de nombreux articles sur la photographie sur ce forum .)


Je tiens également à remercier nos modérateurs @Kinsley et @keagan qui ont intégré le Forum de Samsung avec discrétion et  beaucoup de collaboration.


Et je tiens à me féliciter pour mon article parce que le patron de Samsung ne l'a pas fait ... il nous a fallu près d'un mois pour l'écrire pour les utilisateurs de Samsung ... donc je pense que je le mérite FR / EN


J'espère vraiment que la santé de @ Shaggyskunk1BLM est OK ... Si vous voulez lui dire combien il vous manque,  s'il vous plaît allez ajouter un LIKE sur le post suivant, j'espère qu'il pourra le lire!


Bonne fin de semaine à tous



Active Level 8
excellent community support, well done everyone who plays such a pivtol role in making this community so great! Your hard work and dedication doesn't go unnoticed.
Active Level 8
I agree!

Hi Cassid,

Thanks for sharing this post (Hot Topic by Cassidy- July 24th, 2020 EN/FR), and thanks for letting us know about your thoughts and criteria of selection of members for a different category. 

However, we will forward your message to our team and take it as feedback.

Have a nice weekend.🙂


Expert Level 5
I think that the first element on the list invalidates any possibility of an unbiased opinion on that post but I find this format to be pretty fun actually! A more global recap of recent events (as the Hot Topics as of late seemed to have a very narrow focus, can't blame the guy in charge of it though, it's probably a directive from higher up). Featured pics is also a nice touch. Mods deserved props as they properly dealt with a recent issue twice

Résumé en français: J'adore ce nouveau format. C'est génial!
thanks for thinking of me!
Expert Level 5
Your photographies are inspiring me often so you have your place in my post, you deserve it 😉
Active Level 8
Awesome for you to do these Shoutouts! Well deserved shoutouts, too!

Hi Cassidy, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I would like to say thanks to everyone for being active in the community. Nice pictures by the way.

Expert Level 5
Make it three times the mods acted swiftly this week 😉