Original topic:

Wake-up Call for Samsung?

(Topic created on: 09-04-2020 02:41 AM)
Active Level 3
Hello Samsung Members,
I'm sharing this article not for the intention to speak negativity about Samsung, as they've typically done me right. (link waaay down👇sorry, but I had a lot to say) And I LOVE the Galaxy Series - S in particular - and I have been using them since they first came out. I think I'm on my sixth now. I came from Nokia and never have strayed from Samsung since. But I don't think it's a secret that a lot their loyal smartphone customers are becoming more and more frustrated with what has become, in my opinion, a disconnect with their die-hard customers and I think a good chunk of us have arrived at a point where enough second chances have been a extended. With increasingly appealing offers from Apple and a Samsung company that all but ignores the rumblings and negative feedback with this big corporation false sense of being invincible. Pandemic aside, this has been brewing for some time before Covid was a household name. For me, it started with what used to be a few preinstalled apps. It was ok, they weren't intrusive, I didn't even notice them much. Fast forward to today. My S9 which I love most of all - was already 1/3 full at the time I purchased it. With unwanted bloatware and junk apps. I use none of them. And they are almost always impossible to remove. Don't get your hopes up with that magical "disable" button, it's probably greyed out. But that's just the beginning. They keep coming. Checking my app list in settings, so much of these have been added stealthily and I don't even have a clue what most of them even do. It's disconcerting, and frustrating. I have a giant problem with owning something that I paid a lot of money for that in the end has way too much control. Who owns my phone exactly? If you want to have control of apps and settings on my phone, please start by taking on part of my bill. 

So I'm at a place now where I'm sadly keeping my options open for my new smartphone. And I'll be following Samsung closely in the hopes that once the fallout over the last 6 months has died down that it can start fresh, listen to what it's customers are saying, slow down pumping out a new model every 3 or 4 months and put that effort into making something really special. Something that speaks to what customers are looking for and beyond. It's not too late to get on board and deliver what we expect from Samsung and what I know you can do! Oh and:

 I CAN CHOOSE MY OWN APPS!!! Thank you. 😏

Expert Level 5
You really think those apps took 1/3 of your storage? These pre-installed apps would only take 500MB tops. No, what you're facing is the storage used by the OS itself, along with the correction of storage from GB to GiB. Also, there are lots of apps in Settings, but that's because Android is an object-oriented OS. Those "apps" are critical system components. It's no different from the thousands of files in C:\Windows\System32, except for the fact that Windows doesn't display them as apps.
Active Level 3
The second I posted that I realized that I wrote it wrong. So I wondered, should I edit that? 🤔 But then I thought meh, no one's gonna notice. So thanks for paying attention lol. What I was meaning was all the Bixby junk for example. I started with three apps now there's six. All the the AR apps that are expanding. Game booster, game launcher, these kinds of things. Essentially, if it's not part of the o/s then I want it to be completely removable. Also I have a crazy case of OCD like no other and when I see something that isn't how I want it and I can't change it, it makes me crazy. 🤪

Thanks CHMultimedia.

Hi Kirbymail,

Certain preinstalled apps cannot be uninstalled, but some can be disabled. Touch and hold the app you want to disable, and then tap Disable instead of Uninstall. If the Disable feature is grayed out, it means the app cannot be disabled.

If you have deleted files on your phone but it still says that you are out of storage room, it could be because files deleted in the Gallery or My Files apps will remain in the app trash for 30 days before being permanently removed. If you would like to remove these files yourself, you can empty the trash in the app. This will clear up more storage space on your phone.

Active Level 8
very well written article well done. You are not alone in feeling certain blotwhere apps are intrusive. There has certainly been alot more of those pre-installed software in recent years. Many of the pre-installed apps are not used by certain people. I for one am with you in that regard. My Samsung update list in the galaxy store, is rather extensive. Fortunately tho apps on android platform. as an android user we have that capability. Deciding what to patisapate in/what not to. The disable feature has been a god send. like ChMultimedia pointed out some core apps are essential to the OS system. One need not look to far back at what happens when individuals start to play around in developer options. Or choose to root thier device. There is a reason why rooted phones typically run into warranty complications. As for rushing an all new device to market. as it would seem there is a new one every so often. think of the Variations of iPhone over the years. then simply compare the roster of Samsung devices. there is a device for almost any type of user. Samsung has been getting better at updating there devices and certainly recently. i.e. 3 year updating commitment for flag ship devices. if you choose to leave the Samsung community. obviously your choice. or choose a different manufacturer to better suit your needs. I wish you well, we will still be here if you decide to come back.
Active Level 3
Thanks for your reply. Great to hear from you and I will most definitely agree the updates have been improving. I have a very long timeline for comparison all of the changes, good and bad from the original Galaxy S, and using various different models within the Galaxy family to the present date. Change is always an adjustment but with the last few models it just feels like it's ramping up considerably. And after purchasing the S9, dealing with Bixby popping up constantly and the button being placed where it is I almost tossed it it out the window. Compared to what I was was used to, my start with the 9 was horrible, it felt like I didn't have control, like it was hijacked. I've since put Bixby to rest, disabled the button and made a lot of other adjustments to make it my own. But it was a lot of time and frustration that nearly didn't end well. I think I was tolerating everything until Bixby...that bugger pushed me over the edge!
Active Level 8
I believe Samsung is more concerned with the needs of the carrier than the end user of there phone. Your point has been brought up many times.
Active Level 3
Thank you for educating me there. So the point of my post was in fact the article discussing Samsung's performance for the first half of 2020 which I believe has NOT been brought up many times. I shared my experience because it's MY experience and the apps are one of the most relevant reasons that I'm unsatisfied at this point. And maybe some advice will come of it that will help you with your questions about these types of apps.

Hi Kirbymail, I understand your opinion. I am sharing your opinion and suggestions to the team. Thanks for the suggestions.

Active Level 6
correct me if i am wrong, recently when i was setting up my note20 ultra, it had let me choose which apps i wanted to install, that goes all the samsung apps.. i guess samsung is listening but just doing it slowly..