Original topic:

Here are a couple of things after a few days of 10

(Topic created on: 12-17-2019 10:48 PM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Well i've been at it for a couple of days and still pleased with an Android yearly that seems to hint at the end of massive upgrading, supporting the myth of your phone not being good enough. Just a hint, and some hope. 
This is my first time getting Samsung's newest OS right away and earliest for many that always do. 
I'd like it to be my last, though. Let's let 10 stick around for a year or two. I'd much rather get goodies all year long.

Speaking of the goodies...
Can i please be allowed to snooze my notifications without losing the ability to swipe it away for good? Awesome. You guys fell asleep on that one.

Really impressed with the use of space in the design. It looks as though my screen size has increased. Excellent work in that area overall. I'm impressed. (Still waiting for the option to disable half screening. A "keep app pinned to top" toggle sounds mighty fine).

I had zero issues whatsoever doing my normal ADB assisted app removal...  but not without Payment Services taunting me. "C'mon, do it. Nothing will happen. I swear. Uninstall me." You think it's funny, eh? Hope you weren't on the notification team. You're getting fired.

It's simple. It's not that new. And that's fine with me. NOW GET ON THE GOOD LOCK. CLOCKFACE? REALLY? DO SOME WORK ALREADY!

*If you want to get the best out of Android 10, you may want to consider a fresh install, especially if you are noticing glitches and/or isolated errors.

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
pourwuoi mon Bluetooth apparait plus
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Êtes-vous en train de dire que votre bluetooth s’allume tout seul? Je n'ai aucune idée. Je l'utilise rarement. Je désactive la recherche d'appareils à proximité, mais je ne peux pas dire si c'est la raison. Je reçois toujours une copie complète du système d'exploitation et fais une nouvelle installation. Cela dépend de vous, cependant.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
What do you mean you don't want anything else than 10 for the next years, what are you saying?
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Do you mean that toi dont Like receiving updates that makes your phone run better or faster?
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Yah, that's what he means. He wants new features but the same OS version 😆
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
i mean i would prefer to receive changes as they become available with incremental version changes and include all devices if they are capable rather than leaving out capable ones as we're seeing now with the S8 models. Phones of lesser quality are getting full support and that's fine, but not acceptable anymore with the hardware available now to phase out great devices. The S8+ is still a beast. Not everyone can find time to install TWRP and browse for the best ported ROM on XDA. Also Samsung is keeping bootloaders locked on models more and more meaning that they are FORCING us to not use their product beyond what they feel like.
Everyone hates Bill Gates, but his dominance does not match this 2 year junk we see with Android. Sure, some phones can't run a full Samsung package for long. But lots can. And whatever you have now is likely under the same gun.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Educate yourself a little bit. Some people can't afford the best every year or two. I can and that does not mean i should ignore and speak for those who can't or don't know how. This is actually my first time owning the latest flagship. I can run Pie on an S5 and no doubt 10. People do these things but not everyone knows. If you don't understand what i mean you look rather silly poking fun at your own ignorance.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Your original comment literally had nothing to do with what you're saying now. I actually agree with you that the update should be rolled out to at least 4-5 generations of older devices. The business of rolling out newest firmware only on the new or newer devices is pure greed. In my mind it is no different than forced obsolescence. Irrespective of this though, you need new OS released to stay up to date. That's kind of the whole point. So yeah, you need the newest Android on the older devices as well, and in a timely fashion. Not some bizarre late release delayed by nearly a year.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
yup. My writing skills are cryptic and chaotic. I'm glad i was able to make some sense of myself.

The whole idea of Android and Google trying to not make it a Windows thing is to cover up this entire system. Bring in everyone on the game to de-centralize focus on the plan while still maintaining a tight grip on the OS and play store... it's become extremely obvious.