Original topic:

Vertical Green Line After Software Update

(Topic created on: 04-09-2024 12:26 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Anyone else facing the green line issue on Samsung's flagship Galaxy S phones? I have an S20+ that started exhibiting green lines after a recent software update in early April. My phone has no physical damage, water damage, nor do I use it to the point of overheating (it's basically just a phone I use for communication and its brilliant camera). From what I've seen on the community and from reddit, many other customers are having the same problem.

Samsung Malaysia actually had a program to replace the screens for the affected phones (only charging RM80 for labor costs) that ran from January to the end of March 2024. It's good that Samsung realises that this is likely a manufacturing defect affecting many customers and has done something to address it. However, they cut the promotion period short due to "having fulfilled the quota". This leaves many customers who started having this issue after the promotion period helpless.

I went to the nearest authorised Samsung customer service centre to enquire on repair costs, only to find out they're charging over RM700 for the screen replacement. Even the staff member said it was a waste of money, as the new screen would only have a 3 month warranty, and they have had some customers who had the green lines again after 1 year of screen replacement.

I find it extremely disappointing that many of us paid for a phone that costs few thousand Ringgit, taken good care of it, only to experience the green line issue, which is most likely a manufacturing defect on Samsung's end. After the free screen replacement period, Samsung has sternly rejected any requests I've made to have the screen replaced for free. I even received comments from customer service that I've misused the phone, that I shouldn't have hastily downloaded the software update (even though it's listed as one of the solutions when encountering this green line issue), and that the only option was to fork out the RM700 repair fees. Unfortunately, a student like me cannot afford to have it repaired and hence, I am told to live with it until I switch to a new phone. What's even worse is that the trade-in value for a S20+ is under RM200 if you are upgrading (or downgrading actually) to a mid tier phone like the A35.

Judging from their lack of sincerity in addressing this issue, Samsung doesn't seem to care about their reputation. I hope that by writing this post, other customers who are experiencing this exact same issue would break their silence so that Samsung recognizes that this is not due to user's fault, and does something to rectify this problem. Therefore, please share or interact with this post so that it has a chance to reach the management.

Thank you, and have a great day!
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Yes, bro, I'm having the same problem in my Samsung Galaxy A73 after a recent update of March-April
This phone is not even used for any heavy task or gaming
No heating at all
Only used for calling and youtube

Samsung really has to rectifying this kind of problem

Actually the problem is Samsung are pushing their updates without testing it with all of their devices before make it public

Some updates might do this kind of issue

Samsung please rectify this problem as soon as possible
Galaxy S

Dear Haqerz_world,

Greetings from Samsung Community!

Rest assured, we heard your enquiries.
This is moderator from Samsung Community.
We would love to assist you further, please check your private message.

Have a nice day ahead!

Warm Regards,
Samsung Community

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Mine Note 20 Ultra also have similar green line issues in end of mac. At the same time my Flip 3 also have greenline issue . Does samsung have any replacement program. Really make me lost confident with Samsung and wanna switch brand
Galaxy S

Dear Jazril,

Greetings from Samsung Community!

Rest assured, we heard your enquiries.
This is moderator from Samsung Community.
We would love to assist you further, please check your private message.

Have a nice day ahead!

Warm Regards,
Samsung Community

Active Level 2
Galaxy S
I'm also facing the same issue. Complaint but no action taken
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

I have same issue after recent update. Please assist to advise the solution.

Galaxy S

Some technician at Urban Republic told me that the lines appear from components for the screen being burnt/overheated. 

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Samsung is a *** brand, they are no longer the samsung we used to know. These are their trick so that we buy the latest from them. I destroyed 3 of my samsung device because of an update. My tab, switch on in the morning, onle be able to boot in the evening, become very very slow after an update. My s10, less than 2 years of using, the mic and speaker become useless after a software update, send it to service center, they said i need to pay for the repair. My phone did not even have a scratch to start with, yet i need to fork out another money for the stupid repair that they cause. My 3 one, after a software update, samsung experience service keep stopping error popping up like the ads in pornsite.
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Same here s22u on 1st Apr..The solutions they provide : pay for replacement or buy a new one..
I never expect a perfect phone, but at least the brand should take responsible on their products quality..Feel so disgusting on this..
Over 10yrs samsung user, 1st time plan to switch to apple..