Original topic:

Show Your Love For Galaxy

(Topic created on: 01-22-2020 08:23 PM)


February 2015
I sat down and watched my first Samsung Unpacked... Little did I know that one keynote changed my life forever. When Samsung revealed the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, I was in SHOCK. The launch was magical; for the first time, we witnessed a dual-curved edge-to-edge screen. The phone was beautiful. Before this, I had no interest in technology or photography for that matter, but I looked at this keynote and saw what was the bleeding edge of smartphone design! Skip forward to now, almost 5 years later, I haven't missed a single Unpacked Livestream to this date!

Tab S3
In July of 2017, I got my first Samsung product, my Galaxy Tab S3. I've been waiting for Samsung to release a tablet with an S-Pen forever and once they finally did, I was really excited to try it out. At the beginning, I only used my Tab S3 as a tech enthusiast, I wanted the best tablet experience on the market, but what I didn't know was how powerful this one device was for me. A year into using it, I joined Samsung Members. The community was vibrant with lots of people that had used their Galaxy devices to do so much more. 

Being a student, I really value versatility. Once I got used to having my Tab S3 around me all the time, I started using it for school, and that's where everything changed. For the first time, I had such a flexible device that was light, portable and super powerful! Over the past 2 years, I've edited hundreds of photos, presented over a dozen presentations and written a plethora of documents! Not to mention the millions of notes I took with my S-Pen! 

This was also around the time I started getting into photography. One of the reasons I got the Tab S3 was because of its 12MP camera, and I used it for your typical shots, but I started to get more in-depth with its capabilities. Once I started using Pro Mode and powerful editing apps like Lightroom Mobile, I quickly gained an interest in the art of photography. Having a tablet as your main camera  and editor is just about the most futuristic thing you can think of. Editing photos with the S-Pen is magical - it's the world's most precise mouse for dialing in the exact details. 

Galaxy Wearables
In late 2018, I bought my first smartwatch, the Gear S2. Personally, I am not the most active person and my sleep schedule at the time was very inconsistent. Using a smartwatch for the first time was an eye-opener, I got real-time stats on all my physical health including sleep analysis, activity tracker, and heart-rate tracking. By monitoring my health, I was able adjust accordingly. A few months later I received the Galaxy Watch which just added onto the benefits. Today, I use my Galaxy Watch along with my Gear IconXs in conjunction to track my running and walking everyday. My sleep schedule is finally a consistent 8 hours and I feel great about my wellbeing for the new year!

In this story, I used the word "magic" more than once, and that was intentional. These devices and gadgets are now a part of our daily lives and it's easy to forget how far we've come as a society in this digital age. My experience with Samsung is very special because the innovations shown on stage directly influenced my daily life for the better. Because of my devices, I was able to find a new hobby, improve my health and connect with hundreds of others through a meaningful community. A question I ask myself often is "Am I using this as a tool or an instrument?" The answer is always the same; when I use my Samsung products, they're the most versatile instruments and the most elegant tools.

So the picture seen above is the culmination of everything Samsung has enabled me to do, my new found hobby of photography only gets better, my love for the S-Pen is forever lasting and for my Galaxy Watch, it is the best motivator anyone can ask for.

Thank You Galaxy.