Original topic:

Galaxy watch 6 classic wallet

(Topic created on: 08-11-2023 07:30 AM)
Active Level 1
Samsung Pay
I have the Galaxy watch 6 classic paired with my s23 ultra. I can add memberships to my phone and payment cards but they will not show up on my watch, even under quick access. Anyone else facing this issue?
I'm not sure if there's a specific way to add these to show up on your watch? I'm also signed into my Samsung account on both devices with cloud sync enabled
Samsung Pay
You need to setup Samsung Pay seperately on watch. Long press on bottom right button to activate Samsung Pay, then add your payment cards. ***Watch does not support debit cards.

I don't think membership cards support on watch too. But I personally use Stocard app, way more better and it support on watch. So if you don't mind using different app for membership, the app works very well.
Active Level 1
Samsung Pay
Thanks for the reply, Samsung Pay is now Samsung Wallet I forgotten to mention. So looks like that may be my issue. My payment card is a debit card. Membership does actually show up on the watch.
Thanks for your help and I may give that application a try!
Active Level 7
Samsung Pay
Membership cards is new feature on watch6! Hope you enjoy it!