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algien sabe si ya hay algún launcher que aguante los gestos de android 10👨‍🔧📲

(Tema creado el: 01-18-2020 09:22 PM)
58 Visitas
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note


11 Comentarios
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Yo uso el Nova Launcher y utilizo los gestos sin problema, te recomiendo comprarla para mayores opciones de configuración
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note
🔧🔩No es compatible con estos gestos ninguna parece hasta el momento📲Nt10+😎👨🔧android🌍🍀♻️Ui2.0💥
0 kudos
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Amigo lo gestos de los 3 botones (imagen 2) funcionan, los de la primera imagen quisiera saber dónde están, no encuentro esos en Android 10, si me puedes ayudar, te lo agradecería.
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note
📲los launcher son compatibles con los 3 iconos y 3 barras. no con estos de android 10🔧🔩. anda a Barra de navegación . gestos pantalla completa. y a más opciones ahí esta😎😁🌍🍀♻️
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Muchas gracias
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Tiene usted razón, le agradezco su ayuda, efectivamente Nova bloquea "Más Opciones", nunca intente entra ahí, hasta hoy. Gracias.
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Escribí a los creadores de Nova Launcher y responden que el problema lo debe resolver Google, que ellos no pueden, si deseas te envío toda la respuesta, me avisas.
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note
manda lo aca mismo a members. por que todos las apps y otros se están compatibilizando con android 10 si es el ultimo sistema operativo. ellos deberían actualizar y/o adecuarse. acción laucher es compatible hasta el momento con 4 marcas. samsung aun no😎👨🔧💥🔧🔩📲
0 kudos
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
You can read Google's official statement and our statement about the issues you and anyone else using Android 10 is experiencing. Please take note that Google admits to this being broken on their end of things and that a fix will be coming in a future update to Android.


We understand that this statement was made during a beta version of Android 10. However, as is stated in the below URL, this issue will remain broken even after Android 10 is released in its final form, which was September 3rd, 2019. What this means is that Google knew well ahead of time that they had no plans to fix this until much later so it's still a relative issue today.

Google's statement:

Our statement:

As of the December 2019 Security Patch from Google, you can now enable full system gestures within 3rd party launchers. However, please note, there are still a lot of issues with the gesture system such as animations not working, Close All button not showing up and several other things. This is not something any launcher developer, including us here at Nova, can fix or change in any way.

This is still all up to Google to fix at some point in the future and to get things working 100% the way everyone expects them to be.

If you experience any issues at all while using full system gestures, it is highly suggested that you contact Google directly and/or file bug reports with them directly so that your voice can be heard by them directly.

Action Launcher's announcement back in late December 2019, is actually misleading and 100% incorrect. They are referring to the back swipe edit zones and similar stuff. Full system gestures are completely controlled by Android and not something a launcher can just suddenly add support for or change in any way.