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Reports of the Z Fold2's death turn out to be (slightly) exaggerated

(Topic created on: 06-19-2021 07:36 AM)
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Z
Earlier this week, Samsung seemingly ceased selling last year's flagship foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold2. The product listing at Samsung's store was temporarily replaced with a disclaimer that "The Galaxy Fold is no longer available for purchase on Samsung.com," directing customers to other options. While that quickly sparked rumors that Samsung was ending sales in anticipation of its next-gen foldables, the company now assures us that the Fold2 has not been discontinued.


The wording for the statement on Samsung's Z Fold2 product listing was curious since it didn't call out the Z Fold2 by name, instead referring to the "Galaxy Fold," the original device that has long been sold out on Samsung's site. However, other changes over the last week or so indicated it could very well be true and the disclaimer was just poorly phrased.

Initially, evidence suggested Samsung's product listing stopped selling the Galaxy Z Fold sometime in the previous 24 hours. On June 12th, according to the Wayback Archive, the Unlocked, AT&T, and T-Mobile models of the Z Fold 2 had all gone out of stock, leaving only the Verizon and Sprint models for sale, and telegraphing this latest development for much of the last week.

1 Comment
Expert Level 3
Galaxy Z
Thanks for sharing