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Android 12 blocks third-party apps from replacing the share sheet

(Topic created on: 05-31-2021 10:14 AM)
Expert Level 5

Android Sharesheet is the menu that pops out from the bottom when you hit the share button within an app, listing out all the possible sharing options and ways you can share something across. But as you might have noticed, the UI of the Android Sharesheet can look wildly different from app to app. That’s because Google doesn’t enforce UI consistency for the share sheet, allowing third-party apps and OEMs to customize it to their heart’s content. One of the ways Android users can bypass the Android Sharesheet altogether is by using a third-party app like Sharedr, which offers a more consistent and simpler UI that also does away with Direct Share, which can be quite slow to populate on some devices — despite receiving significant performance boost in Android 11. But as it appears, using a third-party sharesheet as a replacement for the Android sharesheet will not be as easy in Android 12.


In Android 12, Google no longer allows third-party apps to set themselves as the default share sheet. The developer of Sharedr recently opened a ticket on the AOSP bug tracker, detailing that on Android 12, the system was no longer showing the prompt to pick between Sharedr and the Android Sharesheet and would always open the Android Sharesheet by default. Responding to the issue, a Googler confirmed that it was the intended behavior and not a bug. In other words, Google has blocked third-party apps in Android 12 from replacing the sharesheet.