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Tips for Chrome pops up for Beta channel

(Topic created on: 03-26-2021 07:10 AM)
Expert Level 5
I am not a fan of tooltips. You know, those pestering little popups that get in your way when you use a new device or piece of software. Don’t get me wrong, I totally get the reasoning behind them. A lot of first-time users of any platform or software want some basic guidance to assist in navigating the uncharted waters. That’s just not me. I am quick to dismiss these “little helpers” because I am stubborn and I like figuring things out on my own. I know, that lends to some wasted time and occasionally some frustrations but still, I’d rather make my way through alone. If need, I simply want to know that there is a place to which I can go if I have questions. An FAQ or a forum suits me just fine. I still cringe every time I think of Clippy. That annoying little creature is probably responsible for my serious dislike of tooltips. I mean, look at him. I just want to flick him off of my screen.


Okay, that’s enough ranting for today. Let’s get to the point. I stumbled upon a new flag this morning labeled “Tips for Chrome.” After doing a bit of digging, I realized that the flag is actually available in the Dev and Beta builds of Chrome and Chrome OS as well. According to the flag’s description, Tips for Chrome will live in the main menu of the browser and be available for all platforms when it arrives.


Enables ‘Tips for Chrome’ in main menu; the menu item will take users to an official Google site with information about the latest and most popular Chrome features. – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS

Enabling the flag does exactly as the description states. When enabled, the “help” section of the Chrome menu now contains a new “tips for Chrome” line. So, what does it do? That’s the best part. Clicking the menu item simply takes you to the Tips & Shortcuts website for Chrome. That site is already live and you can check it out any time you want. Click the button below to give it a look-see. You can find ways to organize Chrome, maximize productivity, explore extensions, and more.

1 Comment
Expert Level 3
Thanks for sharing