Original topic:

Samsung modes and routine condition

(Topic created on: 04-01-2023 05:36 PM)
Active Level 1

Hello, at the moment the system will change modes or routines if at least one of the conditions is met. Would it be possible to switch modes once "all conditions" have been met?


yes. when create a routine, it is by default set that ruleScreenshot_20230219_105816_Modes and Routines_1000036035_1676775607.jpg
Beginner Level 3

Routines are activated when all the conditions are met but only at specific times. 

Modes are activated when at least one condition is met and between a specified time frame. 


Routine cannot replace a mode and the other way around. 

My problem is exactly the way they function. I tried for half a day to setup an automated sleep mode that should be automatically activated when:

Time is between 22:00 - 06:00

The device is charging. 


What happens is that the sleep mode starts when I drive to home around 18, because the device is charging and it broadcasts a loud beep and turns sleep mode on at 22:00 without being connected to the charger.


To it's defense, when I finally connect the charger after 22:00 the sleep mode is activated correctly.


Can anybody help a little with this? 


Beginner Level 2

Mostly posting for anyone else googling I had this problem but worked it out.

Make a routine with the conditions you want. Make the action of that routine to be triggering the mode which has actions.

So now my night routine turns on when I'm at home AND my phone is plugged in AND it's between 22:00-06:00. This triggers night mode on my phone and my watch. 

Beginner Level 4

I have the same problem. Sleep mode activates when I am outside, I would like it to consider my location but it's currently impossible.  We need both AND (all conditions) and OR (at least one condition). Regardless if it's "Mode" or "Routine". This is a great feature but often useless because of these limitations.

Beginner Level 3

"Or" is nice for some mode choices.

"And" would be extremely useful, and for me it would mean that I could actually use the modes features.

"Not" as a choice is also a really nice to have.

In the effort to keep things simple, there wouldn't even need to be that many conditions needed, maybe x3 to start with? Turing-complete isn't needed, better simple logic is needed however.