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[OPINION] πŸ πŸ™ World Ocean Day 🦭🐳

(Topic created on: 06-12-2024 11:15 AM)
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Samsung Members

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The ocean - blue and cool, but are we doing our part to preserve this beauty? What is a cause/action you have done or can contribute to help save our oceans?

Share your nature-inspired stories of the true blue ocean - meanwhile here are some fun facts:


🌎 " The ocean is Earth’s greatest source of oxygen - contributing 70% of it, and absorbs 30% of carbon dioxide" πŸŒŽ

🐠 " About 91 percent of ocean species remain undiscovered until today - that's 2.2 million live organisms and counting! " πŸ 

🌊 " The tallest β€˜waterfall’ is actually underwater - Denmark Strait cataract, 3500 meter drop! " πŸŒŠ

Expert Level 5
Samsung Members
Imagine a giant underwater world, even bluer than our favorite crayon! That's the deep ocean, a home to amazing flashlight fish that light up the dark and gentle giants like whales that sing songs. But sometimes, plastic bags and straw wrappers float around like lost toys, making the ocean sad. We can be ocean protectors by throwing our trash away properly and using fun water bottles we can use again and again. That way, the deep blue ocean stays sparkling clean for all the fishy friends to play happily ever after! 1717783683798.gif
Active Level 4
Samsung Members
We can help preserve our ocean simply by not thrashing the ocean. Help picking thrash along oceans will be a great act. And campaigns about clean ocean should be organised regularly.
Active Level 2
Samsung Members
The True Blue Ocean

In the small coastal town of Falmouth, England, there lived a marine biologist named Rachel Carson. Passionate about the sea, she spent her days studying the ocean’s depths and its intricate ecosystems. Her fascination with the true blue waters led her to uncover many secrets of marine life.

One summer, while researching plankton blooms, Rachel noticed a troubling decline in fish populations. She discovered that pollution from pesticides was seeping into the ocean, disrupting the balance of marine life. Determined to make a difference, Rachel documented her findings meticulously.

Her groundbreaking work culminated in the publication of "Silent Spring," a book that alerted the world to the dangers of chemical pollution. Her research sparked a movement, leading to changes in environmental policies and the eventual ban of harmful pesticides like DDT.

Rachel Carson’s dedication to the ocean not only protected marine ecosystems but also inspired generations to care for the environment. Her legacy lives on in the true blue waters she loved, a testament to the power of one person’s passion and commitment to nature.
Active Level 6
Samsung Members
When I'm visiting any beach, I will make sure to keep my trash with me until I'm back in the city/room.

Then, I would make sure to use coral-safe sunscreen while swimming or not using sunscreen for swimming.
Beginner Level 3
Samsung Members
I always make an assignment for myself when I visit beach, I'll carry a plastic bag or a bag and collect the rubbishes that I see along the way, and throw them in the proper bin. Sometimes when other people saw this they'll copy my act. And that makes me happy.
Samsung Members
The ocean, a vast expanse of blue, holds an unparalleled allure. Its cool, soothing waves are a reminder of the planet's natural beauty and diversity. However, the question remains: are we doing enough to preserve this invaluable treasure?

One meaningful action I've taken to help save our oceans is participating in beach clean-up events. These gatherings not only help remove litter from shorelines but also raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution. Each piece of trash collected is one less hazard for marine life and a step towards a cleaner, healthier ocean.

In addition to beach clean-ups, reducing single-use plastics in daily life has a profound impact. Opting for reusable bags, bottles, and containers can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the ocean. Supporting and advocating for policies that limit plastic production and promote sustainable alternatives is another critical step.

One nature-inspired story that stands out is a diving trip I took to a coral reef. The vibrant colors and bustling marine life were breathtaking. However, it was also a stark reminder of the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. Seeing both the beauty and the areas affected by coral bleaching due to rising sea temperatures reinforced the importance of our actions on land impacting the ocean.

The true blue ocean is a gift we must cherish and protect. Whether through personal habits, community efforts, or supporting conservation initiatives, every action counts in preserving this stunning and vital part of our planet.
Active Level 1
Samsung Members
I will teach my children's and the next generation to respect marine life whenever going to beach or diving, to avoid touching corals, encourage them to appreciate the beauty of oceans nature.

Educated them about the danger of plastic if throw into oceans. Leave no trash behind, clean up all the trash before leave the beach.
Active Level 1
Samsung Members
Choose seafood that is sustainably sourced to reduce overfishing and protect marine ecosystems.
Active Level 2
Samsung Members
Shop Wisely. Choose sustainable seafood. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable bag.

Reduce Vehicle Pollution. Use fuel efficient vehicles, carpool or ride a bike.

Use Less Energy. Choose energy efficient light bulbs and don't overset your thermostat.