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Samsung Secure Folder unwanted pre-loaded apps

(Topic created on: 05-12-2024 11:32 AM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy A

I would like to use my secure folder, and choose what goes in there, and what doesn't. When I set my secure folder up and open it, there are already 6 + apps in there that I didn't put there, and cannot remove. These are; Camera, Gallery, Internet, Folders, Email, Contacts etc.

It is my secure folder, not Samsung's, and the option is for me to build my own security using the apps I use (that are not Samsung driven apps) is, and should be my choice, not theirs!!

Is there a way to create a secure folder with nothing in it, other than what I choose to put there? Or, is there a way to remove the automatically added apps, as mentioned above. by removing them from my secure folder?

Galaxy A
there is no option for that, we may request devs to add this feature
Galaxy A
Post for feature request
Active Level 1
Galaxy A
you can hide those apps that you don't wanna see in the secure folder. just select those apps, then select hide.