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I am disappointed with you Samsung because of my S20 ultra 5G is Totaly Dead.

(Topic created on: 05-25-2023 11:08 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy Gallery

I am disappointed with Samsung Philippines because my Samsung S20 Ultra phone was corroded and suffered additional damage. In fact, my phone is completely unusable now. This issue arose after I followed their recommendation to replace the battery. I agreed with their assessment that the battery needed replacement. However, about a month after getting my phone back from the service center, I noticed that it was getting excessively hot, just like before the battery replacement. In the past, when my phone got hot, I used to cool it down by running it under a faucet, and I never encountered any problems with water entering the device because I knew it was water-resistant. I wasn't concerned about damaging my phone using this cooling method. But after the battery replacement, when I tried the same cooling remedy, unfortunately, water seeped into my phone, rendering it completely dead. I had never experienced this issue when Samsung had not opened my phone previously.


I filed a complaint, explaining the differences in my phone's behavior before and after it was opened by the Samsung service center. I categorized it as a Backjob on their part, attributing the water damage to their previous work. However, the Samsung Megamall service center refused to acknowledge the damage caused after they had opened my phone. Despite highlighting my complaint as their responsibility, they claimed ignorance about how the water entered the device and rejected my explanation.


I brought my phone to the Samsung Megamall service center, and it took them a month to assess the damage. Unfortunately, they still wouldn't accept responsibility for the damage. Instead, they demanded that I pay around 34 thousand pesos to fix my phone. I refused to pay because I firmly believe that the damage occurred due to their previous work, leading to my dispute with their decision. They made an offer to discount the price by around 8 thousand pesos from their initial demand, asking for approximately 27 thousand pesos. They presented me with two options: pay the reduced amount and have them continue fixing my phone or decline and receive my phone back in its current non-functional state. I chose to take my phone back, even though it is dead because I know they won't accept my explanation regardless. I also expressed my dissatisfaction and sent an email to Samsung’s Coe's office, but no decisive action was taken.


Due to this incident and their refusal to take responsibility, I have decided to sever my loyalty to Samsung and will no longer purchase any Samsung products from any store. I am extremely disappointed with Samsung Philippines' actions.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


I'll bring my phone totally dead.I'll bring my phone totally dead.


Active Level 10
Galaxy Gallery
Didn't your Service Center tell you that once the phone is opened for any repair that it will lose its water resistant protection? Coz, the first time I visited our (Provincial) Service Center with my Note8, I was advised outright that they can check the device but it will lose it water protection. So, I have known that since.

Plus, I don't trust all Samsung or any brands' claims of their product capabilities. Marketing.

Nevertheless, cooling your expensive Note20-Ultra with flowing water is quite extreme exhibition. I will not do that to my device.
Galaxy Gallery

No,  When I claim my phone from the service center, they don't provide any information or warning regarding the potential loss of water protection upon opening it. They simply return my phone without any further explanation. Consequently, I remain confident in my phone's water-resistant capabilities and continue to use it without any worry, 

Yes, I repeatedly do that before and I don't get any problems. But I did that thing when my phone was getting excessively hot, not on the normal hot.

Active Level 10
Galaxy Gallery
All those Samsung service centers are operated by third party businessmen. Simply said, they are operating differently from place to place. And most of their technicians are not adequately trained on Samsung standards, specially to give minor advice point: KEEP YOUR PHONE AWAY FROM MOISTURE.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery
Galaxy Gallery

Hello FloretoCulanag,

We are sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience and disappointment, at the onset, the quality of service, managing your complaint about the back job service that you need especially for the device you've cared so much while lacking of empathy and support that you really need. I understand how you feel with your device now left with you not only restored but gave you a prolonged inconvenience, and for that, please accept our sincere apology.

 If I have faced a similar experience expecting my device to be fully restored with assurance and guidance on how to take care of them post-repair but not met, then I will be dismayed too.

I am hoping that you can reconsider while giving us a chance to listen and learn more from your experience, assisting you further by giving us a call on the below hotline numbers.

#GALAXY or #425299 [Mobile Phones & Tablets]
Available 24/7
1-800-10-7267864 [All Product, Toll Free, PLDT]
1-800-8-7267864 [All Product, Toll Free, Globe]
842 221 11 [All Product, Landline]
Daily (8:00am to 8:00pm)
Galaxy Gallery

Hello, sir. I sincerely appreciate your moderation of this post and the valuable input you provided regarding my disappointment with the issues I encountered on my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. I am truly grateful for the opportunity you've given me to share my experience. However, I have already explained the situation multiple times, which is why my phone has been stuck in the service center for over a month. Despite my repeated attempts to explain the problem to Samsung, I have been consistently informed that they are unable to take any action without approval from the head office. The decision to offer a discount on the initial amount rests with the head office, and it is ultimately up to me whether I choose to pay or return the unit. Given these circumstances, I'm uncertain why you're requesting me to explain the situation again. If you are willing to assist me, sir, I genuinely appreciate your help. However, I would prefer not to go through the process of explaining my situation repeatedly. This post represents my final attempt to convey what has happened and express my negative experience with Samsung's service.

Initially, I was filled with enthusiasm as I looked forward to purchasing trendy and attractive accessories for my phone through the online shop. However, to my dismay, the accessories arrived, but I am unable to use them due to the complete malfunctioning of my phone.

Actually, Approximately 80% of the appliances in my house are made by Samsung. ever since my entire family is a Samsung products user, we always eagerly anticipate the release of new Samsung phone models. Recently, I purchased the S23 Ultra 1TB version for my wife as a pre-order, and both my mother and I also pre-ordered the 1TB Galaxy Z Fold4. However, based on my previous experience with my Galaxy S20 Ultra, which was quite disappointing, we are all concerned about the outcome.