Original topic:

Last Train Gone

(Topic created on: 05-15-2024 10:17 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy Gallery
I thought I would share these pictures as I rather like how they turned out and maybe some of you will do too? 

The grand opening was back in 1884 on August 19th. An old and no longer operating station & line, of northern NSW, Glen Innes Train Station and its platform is the one being captured here. 
This train line closed some time ago north of Glen Innes in October 1985 and in 1988 the overnight Northern Mail was the last train down the line that had a regular service to Glen Innes. The railway line was extended from Glen Innes to Tenterfield in 1886, making it the new terminus. It was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999. These days, with the building touched up, it is used as a much loved bar & restaurant. 

What I really enjoy about these pictures is not only the bright modern colours contrasted nicely by the dark night sky but, also how to me they look to of been painted with an actual paint brush by an artist. ☺️
I'm really enjoying this finish or effect that's produced using my Samsung s24 Ultra phone camera. 

Here and one image below, is the station's platform during the day. 



And at night, here is another picture of the station's platform. 

And again at night, ☺️ but this time Ive played around with the light settings. Now it shows what it would look like on a dark moonless night. 

Have any of you ever visited Glen Innes or know someone who has or perhaps lived here? 

Thanks for looking 💓 and I hope you enjoy your day. 

Galaxy Gallery
These are nicely taken 👏
Active Level 3
Galaxy Gallery
Thanks so much for commenting ☺️🤩
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery
Great 📸's & scenery 👌🏽 💯
Expert Level 1
Galaxy Gallery
Lovely photos.
Active Level 3
Galaxy Gallery
That is very kind ❤️ Ty