Original topic:

Bring back Swipe from bottom

(Topic created on: 01-20-2024 08:37 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Please bring back Swipe from bottom feature:

Swipe up from each area of the bottom of your phone to go back, go to the Home screen, or view recent apps.

Please samsung do not remove features that so many people use😪.

EDIT: SAMSUNG returned ittt guys, you can do it through Good lock, with NavStar 👍👍👍
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Absolutely agree.
New isn't always better, it's not bad either! 🙂
But not every1 is waiting for next release, with all the bells & whistles, eg: a camera with so many pixels you can see the cell break down in a person's skin, which is then manipulated to where it looks nothing like the original 😉. I'm not because; 1. I can't afford it 2. I don't need most of the bells n whistles & 3. I don't have the time to read the 64 pg instruction manual, for which I need to google the abbreviations to get some idea what is being referenced or watch multiple YouTube videos usually from fab peeps who assume you already know all features of previous 10 year new phones😁
Case in point, I just found the Samsung community while doing security scan & I have always had Samsung's 😲
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
SAMSUNG Returned it guys, you can do it through Good Lock with NavStar 👍👍👍