Original topic:

New Ui Update - AOD

(Topic created on: 04-02-2024 08:29 AM)
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

After installing the new One U.i 6.1 Update, i'm disappointed to say that one of my most used phone feature and favourite has been negatively affected.

Scrolling through many forums and videos and even trying to test it myself, i realised that Always on Display (AOD)'s brightness cannot be manually adjusted. 

AOD has always been dimmer than the normal phone screen brightness, and now with the adaptive brightness and inability to adjust brightness, the AOD is totally useless. I cannot see it in a dark environment, which defeats the purpose. This update has turned my most useful feature of the phone into a useless battery wasting feature that cant be used.

Please do bring back the manual brightness setting because right now, this setting doesnt do any good at all.

Galaxy S

Dear KittyMaf871,


Greetings from Samsung Community!


Rest assured, we heard your enquiries.
This is moderator from Samsung Community.


Thank you for your feedback on the One UI 6.1 Update. We'll forward your concerns about the Always on Display feature to our team for review. Apologies for any inconvenience.


Warm Regards,

Samsung Community

Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Thanks for listening.
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

Thank you, we really hope they fix it back, definitely not worth using if you can't see it. 

Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

Call me a jerk or rude, but frankly it's concerning, confusing, and downright foolish to roll out an update and not realize that it would have a real-world impact such as this. It honestly makes me question whether the process of quality control or testing even still exists. It doesn't take much research to realize that this isn't just a minor issue that one or two people have on certain devices, this is an issue that is being had across multiple devices, by myriad people.  How was this not caught during the testing phase? The auto brightness for the always on display that apparently is currently enabled is beyond unreadable in both dark and bright settings.  The fact that it takes so long to roll out a fix for it is even more concerning and perplexing.

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

This was why i loved. The galaxy becuase of always on display. Im really upset .. 😧😤

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

I just made an account just to like and comment on this post.  Absolutely baffled on how this change was made without making it at least adjustable.

Alongside other annoying and problems / bloat with the new OneUI update, this is a big issue as it literally makes AOD useless.

Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S
I did the same too. I have been using samsung for many many years now with s8 being my first S models. Till S23.
Never had a major problem with any updates since s8, but this one is really a blunder. I have been using this new UI for 2 days now and the AOD is just really horrible.
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

AOD display *** now. Can't see it in the dark. What were you thinking Samsung. Fix this quickly please

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

I agree with this comment. I would like to have AOD put back to adjustable.