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S24 Ultra Camera malfunction/fail in 3 days

(Topic created on: 04-01-2024 08:20 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S

I recently bought my new S24 Ultra online via the Samsung Shop app, delivery was fast and I scheduled to trade in my Note 20 Ultra (infamous green line happened after the latest update) on the next Tuesday but within 3 days from my purchase, I realized the camera is malfunctioning. 

I attended a concert 2 days after I received the phone and the photo quality was very blurry and low resolution. At 1st I thought maybe I has the wrong setting or it's the lighting issue but here comes the issue, the camera keep stuck/froze/stopped recording when I zoom past x10. It said camera failed, apps not responding and only 1 camera to be used (there's no other apps opened). I tried resetting the camera settings, restart my phone, open in safe mode, updated all softwares and factory reset it twice but issue still persists. 

I went down to the service center and requested for a repair but it will take 5~7 days and Im not even sure if the issue will be solved so I asked if I can request for a refund or replacement unit but was told I need to get it checked/repair to determine if its a software issue or hardware issue. If it is a hardware issue, they will ask for approval from higher management to get me a new replacement unit. I'm now stuck with the Note 20 U with green line that might die anytime soon and not sure when I will get back my new phone. 

It is really disappointing that I spend so much for a flagship phone and to replace the previous flagship phone only to get it spoilt in 3 days time. I don't even know if I will get a functional flawless phone back. Was really excited to use the new Samsung S24 Ultra but its just a very bad experience now. 
Hopefully I will get good news in the next 5 days. 
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Ikr... Its so upsetting and dissapointing to face such issue. It's not like I've used the phone for a while. It's a brand new unit. Today they called me and said there's NO issue with the phone at all LOL. Even I provided with video/recording showing the camera malfunction. Went down again to check on the phone and when I test the phone camera it freeze/hang and stop working AGAIN. 🫠 And once again they said they need 5 more days to "escalate" the issue and test. Idk anymore. I don't think I'll get to use the phone any sooner 😭
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
It's sad that to get a replacement, only the managers can approve and on case-by-case basis. Most of the time, the message won't even be escalated to the managers and the customer service officer will reject right away.

And when u test at the service centre with the camera freezing, makes me wonder what the technician has been testing for the past few days. Surely, this problem should have surfaced. Or either that the technician chooses to ignore the issue.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Yea i understand it's hard but at least try to fix it?? 😂 At this point I just wanted to use the phone that I bought.

Tbh I think they just start to work on it today. And they just open the camera, test camera OK no issue, case closed. It's kinda annoying if that's the case. They didn't actually solve the issue 🫠
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Yeah probably they just test using their diagnostic tools and the machine says good. They trust it. Anyway, I am the type to keep pestering them, until the issue is resolved. I don't want them to blame me later on why I never raise these issues right from the start.

Just like my Z Fold 3, I spent 1 entire month last year to get my Z Fold 3 issue settled. From 31st Mar to 24th Apr(around that period). After my wifi got fixed, I noticed a dead pixel on the bottom left corner of my cover screen. I brought it back to the service centre and they replaced the cover LCD screen as well. So the entire month, they replaced the main LCD and cover LCD screens.

At the end of the day, I was satisfied as I got all my defects fixed and I am the type to not stand any functional defect. For cosmetic damage, I have alr learnt to let go. 😂
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Same! I wanna get this fixed especially it's a totally new device! Hope your screen is good as new right nw! They'll be sending me a replacement as they confirmed it's a hardware issue! But I need to wait around 10 days ㅠㅠ
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Woah congrats. 🎉 Good that Samsung acknowledges that it's a manufacturer defect. I bet now u should be happy that they finally agreed to replace with another brand new set, but I understand that u have been enduring this for a long time, 1 week alr. Hope this time round, will be a perfect set. 👌

Yeah my screen was as good as new, when I had both my inner and outer LCD screens replaced. 🙃 Till today, still working fine.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I'm in a weird situation one. I'm happy but also I don't dare to feel happy and relieved yet haha. I read a lot of ppl getting their replacement unit very late. Its delayed for 2~3 weeks due to stock issue and it might have other issue again. Sigh. Thats just me being anxious 😂 but I'm glad at least we passed the approval.

That's great!! Hope all our device will last long and free from issues haha
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Yes.. at least u have passed that stage and u should be anticipating the arrival of ur brand new S24 Ultra. U get another experience of opening a brand new phone again. 😇

Yeah hope that our devices can last as long as possible. 😀
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I would have asked for a replacement immediately Since the phone faulty within first week. Seems like they are using the delay tactics.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I directly asked for a replacement but unfortunately they said due to policy etc etc they need to "check" for the issue 1st before they can send to higher management for approval for the replacement unit. I saw they use this to other customer as well but I don't know what else I can do except waiting for their "verdict" haiz