Original topic:

S24 ultra

(Topic created on: 05-04-2024 10:57 PM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Ada siapa2 tak kat sini yg ada problem dgn S24 ultra ?..geram betul la dapat produk sampah ni..green line dh start keluar dh ni..proximity sensor pun problem..haih..rasa menyesal pulak
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
You can go to the shop and ask them to replace it with a new one for you, but I think you need to wait a few days
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Already go and talked to them..they said they need to do factory reset..im quite dissapointed actually on the s24 ultra quality..they said will give me s22 to me during the checking period...hmm..dah la tak ada service cetre dekat kedah..
Active Level 1
Galaxy S

That's very unfortunate for the experience you're having. Supposedly they would replace 1-on-1 with your device since it's still under warranty. I doubt factory reset would help, as the current data that's in your phone is far more priceless than a new phone. Backup files & reset is just too tiring & time consuming. Is Penang branch the nearest one to Kedah? I'm not too sure if calling their service centre would provide a solution, but I hope there are some light to the experience you're having. I too, pray that I do not face such green line issue on my S24U.

Galaxy S
Pegi jela claim waranty..nk bsing knape. Org pkai elok je.😅
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Tak kena dekat kau tak pa laa..siapa ja tak bising kalau dh beli mahal2 lepas tu dpt quality mcm ni ?
Galaxy S
Aku beli sejak note8 smpai la ke skrg..tiap² tahun beli flagship smsung..ok je.. mahal dn kualiti.. aku sndri bt msalah kt fon hntr waranty.. tukar ape yg patut..smue free.. 😅 😅 kalau mse aku beli iphone dlu ye smpah.. claim waranty pun kne bayar..bngong.. pdahal brg x kualiti pun
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
So nasib kau memang baik lah..bukan aku sorang saja samsung user yg ada masalah dgn phone samsung..org lain pun ada complaint pasal manufacturing defect..lagi satu, bukan semua org ada banyak masa free bro..boleh lepak2 main game jaa..nak pergi service centre pun jauh
Galaxy S
Hehe...aku bz juga.. kerja. kalau x cmne nk beli tiap² thun flagship.. bkn byr bulan².. actually hntr waranty tu senang sngt.. hntr dn repair.. satle.. kalau nk ckp keje aku ni lg x de cuti. Weekend pun kerja.. tp boleh lg hntr samsung centre.
Galaxy S
Aku jenis stakat perjalanan 3jam tu ok lg untk aku pergi ke smsung cntre tu. Dri aku nk hdap problem tu. Bsing2 pun x guna.. just pgi n slesaikn msalah. Tu je.