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Stadia might be launching a new touchscreen interface

(Topic created on: 03-27-2021 12:31 AM)
Expert Level 5



In a new APK Insights report, 9to5Google has found code buried in version 3.9 of the Stadia application for Android that points to several new features that may be coming to gamers very soon. To be clear, just because code exists in the application does not point to a definitive release for said features, but rather it simply means that the Stadia team is testing them. Many of these features – like the touch-enabled gamepad – do come to the masses with an official release, but there is no guarantee.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s take a look at what secrets the app is holding. First up, we have code strings for a full touchscreen experience for Stadia games! Specific titles that will support this feature upon its potential release should be able to be controlled one-hundred percent with tap and swipe controls. This means that it may emulate that of an Android game – no gamepad, virtual or physical needed! This is huge, and I definitely saw this coming. I’ve actually got a lot to say on this and will break it down separately at a later time. Along with the code below, you will notice that the feature image for this article has a neat graphic – that comes directly from this position in the app’s code and looks to explain the touch feature. I believe that Reigns will be able to utilize this at launch, but that’s just an educated guess – more on that later.

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