Original topic:

Health - Open Water Swim Fail

(Topic created on: 12-28-2024 12:34 AM)
Beginner Level 3
Samsung Health
Samsung Galaxy Ultra:
Attempted to use the Open Water Swim workout selection on the Health App, but it never appears to record a distance or pace, despite recording location (map appears to be accurate when viewing it on phone). I've tried all settings to no avail. Very frustrating as the Health/Exercise features were a huge part of the reason for acquiring this watch.
1 Comment
Community Manager
Samsung Health

Hi Karlos!

When you select Pool swim or Open water swim, the recorded value may not be accurate in these following cases:

  • If you stop swimming before reaching the completion point
  • If you change your swimming stroke midstream
  • If you stop moving your arms before reaching the completion point
  • If you swim without moving your arms
  • If you swim with only one arm
  • If you swim under water
  • If you get our of the water and walk after starting the exercise
  • If you do not pause or restart the exercise, but finish the exercise while resting

If you still need help regarding your watch, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through the Get help section at the bottom of the Samsung Members app.