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One Ui 7 - Samsung breaking their own design principles?

(Topic created on: 10-07-2024 02:19 PM)
Active Level 9
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It's been clear that many of us have been disappointed in the latest One Ui 7 event, and what has come with it, including Samsung focusing less and less on their brand identity and what had made them good, instead pursuing other companies, such as Apple and various other brands. 

For example, take their latest 'upgraded icons'. As online photos emerge on the new stock icons, they are just one word. Embarrassing. 

The latest icons look like this: 


These were evidently taken out of Touchwiz and Grace UI, from the 2010s. Here's why Samsung is breaking their own design principles. 

1. They're not consistent. 

Taken from the SAMSUNG DESIGN Website

Some icons can be seen as the One Ui 6 icons, such as calculator. However, it looks like Samsung can't even keep their design consistency, with icons such as camera having excessive detail and some crudely made, such as the Gallery icon. 

2. They're not Harmonious, Nor Balanced. 

These new icons do not 'convey a sense of comfort and oneness'. They are made of different colours not related to the One Ui branding. Their symbols inside icons are not Harmonious, either, with different designs from each other, being excessively detailed, instead of being white symbol on monocolour backgrounds. The symbols are much too detailed, making it look ugly, in many users, including my opinion. 

3. They do not fit the icon colour standards (most of them)

Taken from the SAMSUNG DESIGN Website

The contrast between backgrounds and the 'white' symbols are not seen in these latest icons. Icons such as Contacts don't even have a clear background. Gallery, for example, has more than 3 analogous colours, which clearly does not maintain the 'previous app identities'. 

The fact that One Ui 7 was delayed is not a good look for Samsung, too, with such bad quality of Interface. It's clear that Samsung is not the leader in UI, but, Samsung. What is this? 

I enjoy the Samsung ecosystem due to the Simplicity. Their UI is not clunky and full of 'Cheap' looking icons and apps. Just another reason for my next device to not be a Galaxy. 
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The biggest issue with the event was that they said much and showed nothing.

No screenshots, no demo. Ideas that they are trying to do.

It's going to be hard to see anything until people get the beta, until then I don't trust Andy base images
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Eh? I colour in all my icons depending on my background 😅 so it doesn't matter what the stock icons are. There are also plenty of icons packs in the theme store!
Beginner Level 2
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The new icons don't look that bad anymore...