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09-18-2024 01:09 AM - 편집 09-18-2024 01:11 AM
갤럭시 S정말 부끄럽습니다. 삼성, 이 문제를 지금 당장 수정해야 합니다!
21x vs 18x 이미지 예시
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09-18-2024 04:31 AM ·
갤럭시 Swhen are you going to improve the camera to 23 ultra of 50mp, the colors are still too strong and look like unsightly spots on the face, this execat is a year old and has never been fixed, expertraw also has bad details
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09-18-2024 06:16 PM ·
갤럭시 S
I don't think there are any spies, just sometimes there are a lot of things that are not corrected for a long time. Here I wrote probably 5 times in a year about a camera with 59mp that gives very bad pictures. strong orange tones on the face like spots and this has never been resolved in the past year. and for better quality I have a picture with 50 or 200mp because they will burn they give a natural side effect ... but then there are problems with colors ... so I don't believe in spies and trolls. sometimes there is justifiable dissatisfaction of people because the problems are not solved
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09-18-2024 06:21 PM - 편집 09-18-2024 06:28 PM
갤럭시 Sbut, I believe that in some, smaller countries, where they work, they are not experts, who are only set up to answer the phone and tell you to take the phone to the service :))) and they do not have any explanation, although it can be seen that something is a software problem nature, they can't solve it..but they don't transfer the reported problems to you here who deal with specific problems....I'm 1000 percent sure that those people who do it at Samsung just call and sit and receive low wages and they are not capable and they are of no help to us
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09-19-2024 05:17 AM ·
갤럭시 Sit's not a big problem, I never take pictures with 16 or 19, I wouldn't have even seen it if the articles hadn't appeared and tried it on my phone, there will be another update and repair, and this is how we got 6.1 and not 6.1.1
09-19-2024 04:31 PM ·
갤럭시 Stheonecid 님,
안녕하세요. 카메라 담당입니다.
먼저 사용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.
문의주신 Photo 모드에서 특정 구간에서 촬영 시 합성 오류가 발생하는 현상과 관련하여 내부 재현을 통해 문제를 확인하여 원인 분석과 개선 진행 중에 있습니다.
해당 이슈에 대해 철처한 분석과 검증을 통해 불편하시지 않도록 최대한 빠른 시일 내에 SW 업데이트 진행하도록 하겠습니다. 자세한 업데이트 일정에 대해서는 기술, 환경 등에 의해 반영 여부 및 시점에 대해 일정이 확정되는 대로 공지드리도록 하겠습니다.
임시 해결 방안으로 카메라 설정의 인텔리전트 최적화 옵션을 중간 또는 최소로 설정하신 후 사용해 보시길 권해드리며 신속한 대응으로 불편이 없도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
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09-20-2024 01:09 AM ·
갤럭시 S안녕하세요. 새로운 소프트웨어 업데이트가 필요한가요, 아니면 카메라 앱만 따로 업데이트 되나요? 감사합니다.