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S22ultra. Anyone else deeply regret?

(Topic created on: 01-24-2023 09:26 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S

Still infinitely preferred my s10s camera and just about everything else about it... s22ultras camera seems to struggle with focus and lighting a lot more and I hate how they have limited settings to make them less intuitive. I actually hate it to be honest and really regret buying it but any advice on fixing the lauded camera on this "flagship" phone appreciated. Or any help with getting a refund? Im still in warranty and have been relating issues with it since day two but response from Samsung is laughable if being ignored was funny... and shop I brought from has been less than helpful. Send away for upto 2months? After only owning 4months and hating most of the time? I cant be the only one? Nature is beautiful and it ain't hard to take an ok pic of stunning is all.


Galaxy S
I had an S10 before by S22Ultra, I fund the Ultra has better focus, especially with the raw, you can fine tune the focus, iso, shutter speed to what ever you like.
Guess you have tried a hard reset and downloaded all the camera and software upgrades?
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Yeah I've had two factory resets done remotely and software updates etc. I do feel its a bit ridiculous that to get a great shot you need to use a different app and add ons etc. Doing a whole heap of editing after the fact isn't really something I think you should have to do with a camera that claims to be amongst the best. That's a personal opinion though. Another thing is a green dot that appears in bright light. The shutter Speed has also been an issue and I reject the work around of using the camera assistant to speed it up but lose quality, that to me has been the reality throughout using this phone, it almost works great but there's always an extra needed to get it to that point and that's not actually the phone advertised or that I forked out mega bucks for. You can see now they're already selling new for less than the other 22 models and the ultra ranks below the 21 + and 22+ on lots of reviews sites etc plus they're discontinuing the ultra over all so maybe just a rushed job. But the number of weird little glitches is way too high for this price range. Just my experience
Galaxy S
Very weird you can't get a good shot, must be a phone glitch, can you send or take it into Samsung to get it serviced? I sometimes get the green dot if I'm shooting into the sun. Most of my just point and shoot shots come out pretty good, it's just I like my shots to be a bit better so edit them. I'd be gutted if my S22Ultra wasn't performing how I expected it to
So you still have your old S10? And could use it while your one gets a full overhaul, I'd do that if I was you.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Yeah I know that is the way things are going now, editing wise, I just wanted a decent point and shoot really although I don't mind editing exactly it just isn't something I want to do lots of. Yeah, I think it may be a whole phone issue because I also have connectivity issues and it's always been slooow browsing Internet or uploading, downloading etc. I normally would accept user fault as the problem in general but I've done everything I've been told by customer service people and I've taken it in once already to a Samsung shop where they did some software upgrades and claimed it was fine but when I called back later as it still wasn't working the guy who told me it was fixed actually admitted it had seemed very slow to him. Its also been a case of frustration at the customer service available and the persistent implication its the customer at fault not the product even when all the suggestions are exhausted. Its not like I can't get a good shot. It's just that it completely underwhelmed me from the get go considering the hype. Sending it away is also very inconvenient as someone who uses it for work a lot but I'll have to try again I guess. Thank you for the suggestions though and I'm glad you are enjoying yours 🙂
Galaxy S
If it's slow definitely a phone issue, mine is super fast scrolling, surfing etc. Definitely don't accept its user error, I'd keep on them
Galaxy S
I don't have issue with my S22 ultra as camera 📸 is beyond my expectations. My suggestion is to go on YouTube as I know they can show you better, what to do with phone and how to do it. Hope it help 😉