Original topic:

New Ui Update - AOD

(Topic created on: 05-15-2024 10:03 PM)
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

After installing the new One U.i 6.1 Update, i'm disappointed to say that one of my most used phone feature and favourite has been negatively affected.

Scrolling through many forums and videos and even trying to test it myself, i realised that Always on Display (AOD)'s brightness cannot be manually adjusted. 

AOD has always been dimmer than the normal phone screen brightness, and now with the adaptive brightness and inability to adjust brightness, the AOD is totally useless. I cannot see it in a dark environment, which defeats the purpose. This update has turned my most useful feature of the phone into a useless battery wasting feature that cant be used.

Please do bring back the manual brightness setting because right now, this setting doesnt do any good at all.

Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

I also wanted to add that I recently started using it as a clock in landscape mode at nighttime. I have a digital clock but I find it too bright so I haven't used it in a long time. This was a great alternative and now AOD is completely useless to me. Sadly this phone is fairly new to me but for my next phone I'll be looking at other brands if this doesn't change or if it becomes more impracticle to me. Yes even for something like this I will look at other brands.

Beginner Level 5
Galaxy S

Just adding to the list of disappointed users. I've been a Samsung / Android user since the first Note. If this us not resolved,  I will not be replacing my 23U with a Samsung device.

Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

This is atrocious can't adjust Clock settings on AOD or brightness. Now my Alarm Clock is broken as a Clock and will have to touch my phone to see the time. The worst update to samsung ever and I have owned samsung for a long time. 

Wish I coukd roll back my update so I can have a useful phone again 

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

OMG my screen is so dim...I literally hate this...I can't make it bright anymore it's on max and it's still dim!!!! I have cataracts you have to put it back the way it was or my phone is useless!!!!

Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S

Agreed, I love AOD and now I can barely see it. Not worth it if you can't see it. Hope they fix this. 

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

Just adding my frustration as well. As several of you have said I use my aod as my alarm clock. Now I can barely see it at night if I want to know what time it is while I'm in the bed. I also like to have my calendar events on the screen but the only option for that the clock is so tiny you can barely see it under the best of circumstances. I really need an aod option with a legible clock and a list of my daily calendar events. I really hope Samsung fixes this because this is a huge frustration for me.

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

This was the first thing I noticed after 6.1 update. This is unacceptable. What is the point of AOD if you cannot read the display? I use it daily by my side to see the time and notifications and now AOD is useless. What a horrible release to screw up this option. Get it together Samsung. Taking away such a useful feature is unacceptable.

Beginner Level 1
Galaxy S

Just wanted to add my voice to the list requesting a return of brightness control for AOD. Like a poster above, I registered an account just for this. It's a stupid change and needs to be reverted as soon as is practicably possible.