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Samsung music update **bleep**!

(Topic created on: 04-28-2019 05:27 PM)
Active Level 3
This new update is terrible, and I don't know why they did it. The app was basically perfect before, it had a nice dark theme, good text colors and was nice to look at in general. Now it is blindingly bright and hard to read, and since they don't allow you to change your theme from white to black, I might have to chang music players... 
EDIT: can't use dark mode because I don't have an S10 or a device that has the new Android update. I have an S7
Beginner Level 4
I 100% agree with darkstride. I use themes. I like themes so why the **** should I have to turn off my theme and go into Settings -> Display -> Night Mode to change back to a dark screen?? Why do companies insist in breaking something that WASN'T broken in the first place? When I go to bed, I like to listen to music. I don't want a bright screen shining in my face in the dark! At the very least provide a choice between light and dark IN THE APP! My mistake I guess for not seeing in the developer notes that I wouldn't have a dark theme anymore....garbage!!!!
S8 btw...
Active Level 3
I'm glad somebody else gets it. I didn't mention it on my post here but Google Play still has the old app so if you uninstall the app as is right now and go to Google Play store and get it and don't update it and make sure you turn off updates for on both Google Play and Samsung store you might be able to get the old version because that's how I got it
Beginner Level 4
Awesome, thank you for that tip darkstride. Back in black now!
Beginner Level 2
it is annoying they should change it back. to the original black.
Beginner Level 2
the white hurts ur eyes. i hate it it should defo go back to the black