Original topic:

Recording file

(Topic created on: 11-23-2024 03:06 PM)
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy Note
Anyone can help me please. I was having a voice recording file and one day it's suddenly disappeared. I was discovering this 10 days after record and heard to check it out.
I was terribly looking everywhere but it was nowhere to be found.
The strange thing is I do not delete it, even if I do, it should remain in the recycle bin as it should as the remaining day is still 20. No one can open my ponsel as it's locked.
I'm going crazy because that was a consultation with my lecturer T_T
1 Comment
Expert Level 4
Galaxy Note

it's almost impossible voice recording file got deleted,except  you might delete it by letting either Device Care or any 3rd party cleaning apps such as SDMaid to mass delete your files, or you might delete many mixed files from "Recent Folder"

i never lost my voice recording, i even sometimes did voice recording by accident, if i don't look up my voice recorder app, i never know i recorded something back then

or this is a lesson for us, if both of us do record voice, make sure we move that file to very safe folder in our phone

tbh i can't find how to auto-online backup newly recorded voice, i managed to set my phone whenever i took screenshot/record video/capture a photo these items will automatically backup to my onedrive as long as i have internet, but i can't do the same to voice recording file which is weird