Original topic:

DeX on Fold's inner display

(Topic created on: 11-15-2021 01:26 AM)
Active Level 7
Galaxy Z

Here's DeX running directly on a Galaxy Note 9 phone display - no external monitor needed: https://www.reddit.com/r/SamsungDex/comments/18v38fx/hell_yes/ 

Samsung can easily make this work on the Fold (or any other device for that matter), they just choose not to.

Please allow DeX to be used directly on the Fold's inner display when unfolded, just as you can on the Tab S devices. This has been demonstrated to be possible with a rooted device - see: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/add-more-features-to-oneui-5-beta-rayos-rom-or-stock-rooted-oneui...

Add "standalone" to the line in /system/etc/floating_features.xml <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE>dual,wireless,dexforpc</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE> so it becomes <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE>dual,wireless,dexforpc,standalone</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE> 

After applying, the DeX UI will be available on the phone's local display - no external display needed.​

This would be a perfect showcase of DeX being the next generation in mobile computing - being a PC that can be folded up and fit in your pocket, then unfolded and used as a desktop without the need to connect to an external display.
Xioami already showed this concept in action with their recent folding device - it ought to be a no-brainer for Samsung too DeX to be used this way directly on the Fold's display, too.
I was really hoping the Fold 3 would implement this feature, but it didn't, and that literally stopped Mr from buying it. Should this feature be added in an update, or committed to for the Fold 4, consider me sold.
Anyone else share this sentiment? Thanks 😊 
Active Level 3
Galaxy Z
Makes so much sense
Active Level 7
Galaxy Z
Glad you think so, too!
Active Level 9
Galaxy Z

Custom ROM's I'm not a fan of because no explicit explanation of WHAT the ROM has or tweaks to existing code and apps is ever specified. 

Active Level 7
Galaxy Z
Which is why Samsung should support this natively.
Active Level 9
Galaxy Z

Using the limited gpus of today to drive both internal UI and app environment AND project to external with sound and video no sync issues is VERYY taxing on the SoC.

Kinda pointless to have BOTh running when you can o my interact with 1 at a time.
Active Level 7
Galaxy Z
The Galaxy Tab already does this with the same SOC as the Fold.

What are you talking about?
Active Level 7
Galaxy Z
Go away, please.
Active Level 7
Galaxy Z
Agreed. This would also inherently allow wireless DeX to be used over Chromecast as you'd simply be casting the screen via Google Home, rather than being limited to Miracast devices which are fewer by the day.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Z

Sopt on!!