Original topic:

Step length (stride) and distance calculation - WRONG again

(Topic created on: 12-24-2019 05:27 AM)
Active Level 1
Samsung Health

Hi developers: You did it again!

Recent update screw-up distance calculation (walking without GPS) and step length (stride). After my initial complain in review on Google Play it was OK for few months, and now is WRONG again.

Instead 67.5 cm steps length, I'm getting 78 cm. This increase my calculated walking distance more than 10%. If you are not able to calculate step length correctly (known formula is: person height x 0.415 for men, for woman 0.413 = step length) , PLEASE give a user option to set it up manually. Thanks



Active Level 1
Samsung Health
I too am having a hard time with Samsung health application after the past couple updates. They discontinued the option to export the workout data to a GPX file. When I go see my past workouts which were auto-detected workouts, there is no option for a GPX export.
Active Level 1
Samsung Health

It is fixed! Thank you and Bravo!!!


Now my steps length 'stride' are correct (67.8cm) and calulated walked distance is correct to few meters! 

Happy New Year to ALL!


Active Level 1
Samsung Health

"It is fixed! Thank you and Bravo!!!"


Last Friday I was applauding you for fixing step length and distance calculation... I was WRONG!!!


In reality, on Friday everything was correct: (Walk without GPS) I walked 7454 steps, 5.22 km, what is giving step length 69 cm (almost perfect... My steps length are 68 cm).


On Sunday I walked 6287 steps, 5.0 km whats yield steps length 79 cm. Do you know what its mean???

You have to be almost 2 m tall to have steps this length (190 cm, 6'4'' for Americans) or have 'leg up to neck' (person high x 0.415 = steps length).

I'm not bamboo and did not grow 30 cm over night!.


How's come that there was no a software update and this calculation changes so dramatically?

How you did you do this?

Are you pushing software changes without user knowledge? 

This is NOT acceptable!

Galaxy S9

Beginner Level 2
Samsung Health

My walking distances are quite good. My running distances are about 60% too big with knock on effects on pace and speed. I get asked to ring an international number to discuss. Cant afford that. So it's a 1

Beginner Level 4
Samsung Health

I have the same problem, did you get a fix on this?