Original topic:

Google Assistant

(Topic created on: 04-09-2022 06:17 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Hi, I have an S20FE and recently the Google assistant has been popping up on my screen, when it's locked, and talking like I gave it a command. I can't seem to figure out why, there for I can't stop it from happening. I'll be talking to someone, and then Google will all of a sudden start describing the search it found from what I had said, out of the blue, hijacking my conversation cause it was listening in on what we were saying. This is not cool, it's just like Alexa listening to your coversations and activating on it's own. If anyone has any idea of how I can fix this, please let me know, I could really use your help, this is getting out of hand. Thank you, I really appreciate anything you can do to help me out.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S

I don't use Google Assistant myself but check to make sure it's not enabled when your phone is locked.

Make sure that Google Assistant isn't turned on even when your phone is locked. 

Open up your Google app.  Tap on your initials on the top right corner of the screen.  Settings.  Google Assistant.  Lock Screen. 

Disable "Assistant responses on lock screen" and "Also get personal results when you activate your Assistant without saying 'Hey Google', like tapping your screen" 

Sometimes when you update the app, certain features or enabled.  I frequently find that after certain updates for different apps, that I discover either my bluetooth is enabled or whatever when I normally have them disabled.

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Thanks, that really helped. I didn't know you could personalize the assistant in such detail. I don't know if it will stop because the feature that allows her to communicate while the phone is locked was off. But, now I can customize her settings and hopefully it will stop. I'm not going to accept yours as the solution just yet, until I know it's fixed or somebody else gives me a sure fire way of rectifying the problem. Thanks again, you tought me a lot, really, and I appreciate it!
Galaxy S

Hi, we are glad to hear that your issue is resolved. Please reach out to us if you require further assistance. Thank you.