Original topic:

My S10+ went swimming this summer.

(Topic created on: 11-02-2021 02:40 PM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

Back in mid August, dropped my S10+ in the lake at my dock in about 10 feet of water. It took a month before a scuba diver was able to bring it back to the surface.

I removed it from the basic case it was in and put it in a Ziploc bag with some uncooked long grain rice.

After about 3 week, I took it out and put it on the wireless charger, the screen flashed a bit (a good sign).

Then when removing the SIM card, I found some water with it, so I left the SIM card carrier out of the phone and put the phone back in the Ziploc with the rice.

I removed the phone this morning and put it on the charger. Red light on the charger showing it being charged, and went to work.

I came home and the charger light was green,  tried turning it on and, it came on with no problem.

It connect to my Wi-Fi, told me there was an update, and it is now installing the 2nd system update. 

At this point I can't find anything wrong, photos are there, all the buttons work, camera works.

I had replaced the phone with a S21 Ultra  days after losing the phone. (the 3rd Samsung I have owned now)

Now I have a replacement for when the S21 goes diving in the water without my permission.


Thank- you Samsung for a well built product.

Expert Level 2
Galaxy S
Nice story 👍🤞
Galaxy S

Hi sutter, glad that your device is working. However, you can contact us if there are any issues with the device. We are always there to assist you with the troubleshooting steps.