Original topic:

Samsung swimming app?

(Topic created on: 01-23-2018 05:31 PM)
Active Level 4
Samsung Health
When I learned that the Gear Fit2 Pro would be swimming capable, I ordered right away. And since day 1, I've been so utterly disappointed with Speedo On. It misses laps or sometimes gains, and the reports are too simplified. Previously, I was using Moov, and it's bang-on, with really helpful and easy to follow metrics. I looked up Speedo On in the play store with the thought of suggesting and reviewing, but noticed a number of people talking about a Samsung swimming app. Google comes up dry. What is this app, and how can I get it? I have no loyalty to Speedo, so without a good product, I'd like to dump them immediately.
Expert Level 5
Samsung Health
It's just Samsung Health. Get it now on your favourite app store!
Active Level 4
Samsung Health
Well! Thank you. I didn't even think you look inside the exercise app. (slaps forehead soundly) I know what I'll be trying this coming Tuesday.
Active Level 4
Samsung Health
So. It's Tuesday. I had a good swim. I started Speedo On, turned off water mode, then started a swim in Samsung Health. I just did my swim without looking. I noticed a vibration at the beginning of each lap (I.e. 50m, as opposed to the beginning of each 25m length). That's new, and I assume it's from Samsung Health. At the end of the swim, sure enough, Speedo was missing 25m from my total. Speedo had also forced itself to run in the foreground. Samsung Health, in the background, got the full distance. Then when I looked for the results in my phone, there they were, and every length listed the type of stroke I was doing! That's fantastic and kicks **** compared to Speedo On. (edit: I love how this automatically censored me. For anyone wondering, it was the gentle version, starting with "B", and ending with a double "T".)

*Samsung, if the new partnership with Speedo cost you money, get out of the deal and spend that money polishing up your already-good swimming companion! If you're spending money, they're swindling you, because you already do their "specialty" better than they do.*