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Samsung pay touch

(Topic created on: 05-24-2019 04:58 PM)
Expert Level 2
Samsung Pay
So checking out the news and tips page it looks like Samsung made a new app called Samsung pay touch. Where it's like square but with nfc in your phone where people can tap their debt or credit card on your phone. 

Yes this maybe geared towards small or home businesses but I see it being used as well at work and such, for example you go to get coffees for people, instead of people owing you money or other means. People can now tap their debt card on your Samsung device and pay you right away 

Samsung Pay Touch http://apps.samsung.com/appquery/appDetail.as?appId=com.samsung.android.spaytouch
Samsung Pay
Yeah well - I guess that a Habs fan who was betting on the Habs.... Can't buy their friends coffee lol 😂
Jk 🙂
Expert Level 2
Samsung Pay
hey it gets expensive after a few times lol
I downloaded it and it's only for business unfortunately which is dumb as I see this as something that could get huge
Expert Level 5
Samsung Pay
Just saw it. You could just make it a personal business thing.

Though seriously, it really should be available for peer paying. It would be simply awesome to group pay something and everyone just taps one phone. Just bought something for a few persons with credit and now I have a lot of loose money and coins.It would be so simple and so convenient to just tap!
Expert Level 2
Samsung Pay
100% it would be so easy and amazing for Samsung to make it easier for anyone not just businesses to have.
the only issue I'm worried about making a "fake" business if they report my earnings to cra even though I'm not actually earning anything
Expert Level 5
Samsung Pay
There's nothing illegal in making a business that doesn't earn money or not a lot. And individuals are legally able to create businesses. There's nothing to be concerned about basically
Expert Level 2
Samsung Pay
I'll prob do that just to test it out, but hopefully Samsung makes it open to anyone.
its definitely an amazing innovation and would be Great for the general consumer
Samsung Pay
Yeah - Ask the owners of new restaurants.... But don't wait until the end of the first year if you want to ask them IN the restaurant..
Expert Level 5
Samsung Pay
Bad idea Shaggyskunk. You need their bank account number because the cash is directly deposited in the account. They won't decline but you won't get any money
Samsung Pay
I meant that after the first year - The odds of a new restaurant STILL being in business - are not particularly good - So they may not be in the restaurant business to ask 🤪😂